[Sa-staff] Staff Assembly Upcoming Events - February 2021

Loretta Vandivier loretta.vandivier at ucr.edu
Thu Feb 4 16:15:10 PST 2021


Letter from Dennis McIver, Staff Assembly President

As we move farther into the year 2021, I am reminded of the philosophy of Cura Personalis, or care of the whole person. A Jesuit philosophy grounded in recognizing the totality of each person, it encourages us to give nurturing to each part of who we are. The practice played a pivotal role in my development as a person, and I credit it with who I’ve become as a professional.

Here at Staff Assembly, we are very invested in caring for each part of you as well. In that spirit I wanted to spotlight some things that speak to different parts of your experience:

·         If you are interested in professional growth, we are happy to offer the inaugural UCR Staff Conference in March and inaugural cohort of the Highlander Mentoring Connection in spring.

·         If you care about advocacy, please know we are working diligently to share UCR’s story with the UC Board of Regents and will continue to do so. We are also happy to create forums for you to engage regarding current events as well.

·         If wish to recognize and congratulate each other, you’re in luck as we have unveiled a Candygram campaign for this month and look forward to a larger celebration of UCR’s staff in April.

·         If you’re looking for a good time, we have activities each month to bring us together and share a laugh.

As a board, it is our privilege to create every possible opportunity to engage and celebrate wherever possible. We look forward to telling you even more during our General Meeting on February 9th. Until then, know you have our respect and admiration for all you do for UCR.



Get Recognized Award Winners

On Thursday, January 28, 2021, we celebrated our December Get Recognized Award Winners, Mary White and Kenneth Han. Led by our Director or Recognition, members from campus gathered virtually to thank last month’s recipients for their positive impact on their coworkers and dedication to their jobs.

Make sure you send a kind email or kudos to those recognized!

December’s Get Recognized Award Winners:

·         Mary White, Human Resources

·         Kenneth Han, Student Health Center

To nominate an outstanding coworker or group, complete the form here<https://ucriverside.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4JE5HiF31A7ZK1T>.



Staff Assembly Candygrams

Show your appreciation to your colleagues and friends this February with a Candygram! With a message curated by you and a sweet treat, it will brighten their day and let them know you're thinking of them.

Candygrams are sold until Feb. 26 or while supplies last. Your gift will be sent out after the event ends.

Candygram options include:

·         Stuck On You (lollipop and message) - donation based

·         Sweeter Than Sugar (2oz candy bag and message) - $5

·         UnBEARable Without You (teddy bear, gummy bears and message) - $10

Order your Candy Grams Today!<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/candy-grams-tickets-137039708457>


Staff Assembly Book Club

Every Thursday | 12:00 pm

Virtual Meetings

The Staff Assembly Book Club is back! Meet with other book lovers to read the latest book club pick Caste: The Origins of our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson. For more information on the book club, contact Kathy Van Horn.

Email Kathy Van Horn about the Book Club<mailto:katherine.vanhorn at ucr.edu>


Lunchtime Trivia

Friday, February 5 | 12:00 pm
Virtual Meeting

Join Staff Assembly President Dennis McIver for a Black History session of Lunchtime Trivia! Test your knowledge for a chance to win prizes.

Learn more about Lunchtime Trivia <https://ucr.zoom.us/j/98194379115?pwd=Y05VRWlzS3c0UWwvNmNnNk5qcGFzQT09>


Staff Assembly General Meeting

Tuesday, February 9 | 12:00 pm

Virtual Meeting

We hope you will join us for the Winter Staff Assembly General Meeting on Tuesday, February 9, 2021 at noon. The virtual meeting will have a very special guest Vice Chancellor/CFO Gerry Bomotti and comments from Academic Senate Chair Jason Stajich. We will also recognize service milestone recipients and recent retirees, and share announcements for the 2021-22 year!

The list of staff members receiving service awards is below and can be found in a sortable format on our website<https://staffassembly.ucr.edu/service-award-recipients>.

Please take a moment to submit an encouraging message<https://ucriverside.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3lN6BZaifoypTW6> to a fellow coworker.

Register to attend!<https://ucr.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_huk65Q5ARFm1kdGXMVX4ow>


Staff Assembly Lunch and Learn: Preparing for Retirement

Wednesday, February 17 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Virtual Meeting

Join Staff Assembly’s February Lunch and Learn to learn what to do to retire and what it is like after you do.

Learn more about the Staff Assembly Lunch and Learn<https://ucr.zoom.us/j/7608340926>.

Living The Promise Event Series: Campaign Celebration Weekend

Join campus community members, advocates, supporters, and alumni around the globe as together we mark the successful completion of Living the Promise, UCR’s ambitious $300 million comprehensive campaign. Step beyond the limits of physical space to enjoy this one-of-a-kind series of free, fascinating, joy-inspired happenings as together we mark a milestone moment in UCR history.

Register for the celebration Today.<https://giving.ucr.edu/celebrate-event-program>


Virtual Bingo

Friday, February 19 | 12 - 1:00 pm & 6 - 7:30 pm

Virtual Meeting

Join Staff Assembly’s Director of Finance Penni Ebina and President Dennis McIver for monthly Virtual Bingo! The event will also include participants from UCPath and UCDC. Special prizes for participants and extra raffles during the games.

There will be two virtual sessions: An Matinee session from 12:00 - 1:00 pm and the normal session from 6 to 7:30 . To sign up, please register by February 17th at 5:00 pm !

Register for Virtual Bingo!<https://ucr.zoom.us/j/95087261416?pwd=aVJNeWZaRUtkS2x5Vkw0QW13MzB0UT09>


Get Recognized Award

Thursday, February 25 | 12:00 pm - 12:15 pm (Ceremony starts at 12:10 pm)

Virtual Meeting

Join Staff Assembly’s Director of Involvement and Recognition Brianna Morales and the Recognition Committee to recognize February’s Get Recognized winners!

Attend the Get Recognized Award Ceremony<https://ucr.zoom.us/j/95492830963>.

Also, consider nominating individuals and peers for Get Recognized! The Staff Assembly Recognition Committee will review submissions sent between now and May and select up to two winners each month. Each month's winners will receive a gift, be featured on the Staff Assembly website, and receive campus recognition during a special session.

To nominate a member or group, please visit: https://ucriverside.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4JE5HiF31A7ZK1T



Friday, February 26 | 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Virtual Meeting

Staff Assembly Vice President Jeff Girod will be joined by a special “celebrity drawer” Jackson Girod for an hour of fun, prizes and crudely drawn random objects. Contestants will win up to $100 in prizes. You don’t want to miss this!

Join us for Pictionary<https://ucr.zoom.us/j/9853753889>

Looking Ahead: Upcoming Events in 2021


Staff Assembly Elections

March 2021

Nominations for the 2021-22 Staff Assembly Executive Board will open in March 2021. Individuals may nominate themselves or may be nominated by someone else. Nominations will be accepted for the following positions:

·         Vice President/President Elect (Must be a non-represented employee).

·         Director of Events

·         Director of Communications

·         Director of Fundraising

·         Director of Outreach

·         Director of Involvement and Recognition

·         Director of Professional Development

·         Treasurer

·         Secretary

All executive board positions are one-year-appointments, with the exception of the vice president/president-elect, who will become president of the organization the 2022-23 year and immediate past president the 2023-24 year. Incumbents must run again if they wish to serve an additional term. Candidates may run as Co-Directors for all Director Positions and should submit one application. You can read the executive board position descriptions here<https://staffassembly.ucr.edu/staff-assembly-position-descriptions>.

More information can be found on the elections page on our website: https://staffassembly.ucr.edu/elections.


CUCSA (Council of UC Staff Assemblies) Town hall

Thursday, March 4 | 12:00 pm

Virtual Meeting

We invite you to join CUCSA (Council of UC Staff Assemblies) for a UC-wide Town hall via Zoom on Thursday, March 4th at 12:00PM.  Although CUCSA is representative of policy-covered staff, all staff across the UC system are welcome to attend.

At this Town hall, you’ll be able to see a little bit of UC ANR, hear from this year’s delegation and learn more about our work to address some of the issues affecting staff at the UC.  We will have updates from the workgroups on their progress along with opportunities for discussion and feedback.

This year’s workgroup topics are:

·         Flexible work with an emphasis on Telecommuting

·         Staff Advocacy with an emphasis on Compensation

·         Basic Needs with an emphasis on Mental Health

CUCSA is working hard to make UC a better place for all staff, but we need your help to make it even better.

We hope you’ll join us! To register, please click here<https://ucr.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkcOmopjwpGN1SxbWYI7GncYIWQntPUI4O>.


To Go Boldly: Being Black in Higher Education
A conversation with Dr. Michael Brown

Thursday, March 4 | 2:00 pm


Join UCR's Black Faculty And Staff Association for a conversation with Dr. Michael Brown, University of California Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. Provost Brown will speak on the experience of being Black in the Higher Education environment. Registrants may submit questions for consideration prior to the event.

The event will be moderated by Dr. Jennifer Brown, UCR Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education, and includes an introduction from UCR Chancellor Kim Wilcox.

Register to join the conversation.<https://ucr.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_06SIQh2bSq6fRAzmiG2CWQ>


Professional Development Conference - By Staff for Staff

Tuesday, March 23 - Thursday, March 24, 2021

The Professional Development Conference will include two official tracks on general skill development and leadership, with two keynote speakers. The Conference will take place virtually over Zoom using the Whova software platform.

For more information about Staff Assembly Professional Development, please visit the UCR Staff Assembly website<https://staffassembly.ucr.edu/>


Staff Assembly Virtual 5K

March 29 - May 7, 2021


You can work out in your neighborhood, with your dog, on a treadmill, in your living room, in your garden -- almost anywhere! (Please remember to adhere to all social distancing measures as required by your county.)

Simply track your run using one of several popular tracking apps and submit a screenshot of your run to us.

This event is for everyone, no matter your fitness level. It’s a fun way to get creative with your friends and family, and support UCR's Staff Assembly!

For more information visit the Staff Assembly Website<https://staffassembly.ucr.edu/virtual-5k>.


Follow us on social media!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ucrsa/,

Instagram: @ucrstaffassembly<https://www.instagram.com/ucrstaffassembly/>

Twitter: @ucrsa<https://twitter.com/ucrsa>

Share this email and encourage others to subscribe to this list by signing up on the Staff Assembly website, https://staffassembly.ucr.edu<https://staffassembly.ucr.edu/>.

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From: Jorge Sanchez <jorge.sanchez at ucr.edu>
Subject: Professional Development Monthly - February 2021.docx
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From: Kathleen DeAtley <kathleen.deatley at ucr.edu>
Subject: The 2021 Tom?s Rivera Conference - Feb 3-Mar 16
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From: Kathleen DeAtley <kathleen.deatley at ucr.edu>
Subject: 44th UCR Writers Week, 32 writers and two student events in 16 sessions ? FREE!
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