[Research] Kuali Alert: Possible duplicate notifications for Kuali Protocols and Kuali COI, Plus NIH News

Cynthia J Johnson cynthia.johnson at ucr.edu
Mon Sep 30 09:46:32 PDT 2024

~~ Please disseminate this information with those researchers and research administrators in your department who may find it noteworthy ~~



Hi All,

We just wanted to make you aware that while performing an upgrade to our core databases during the maintenance window this morning we had an issue that caused some valid protocol and COI notifications to send in duplicate to recipients.  During the upgrade two of our notification servers were inappropriately active at the same time which caused duplicate notifications to send.  This was discovered and resolved earlier today, and we'll be doing a retro on this issue to make sure we take the necessary steps to avoid in the future.  We apologize for the inconvenience and any confusion the duplicate emails sent earlier today caused.  If you have any further questions, please let us know.

[Kuali logo]<https://t.churnzero.net/ss/c/u001.4AETqQO1uEI1sPmTZWDmWxZWZ8dpeFnXEJ25JybEci8/4a7/f6JjXUbIRHWS_SDVYEfabg/h0/h001.F6V1QNfnKRADgtCH_az3qWyTPwgGHupA609NZ7fFZ8A>
Jessica Peck
Director of Customer Support
jessica at kuali.co<mailto:jessica at kuali.co>

NIH Agency News

  *   NIH Announces a Two-Part Virtual Event, NIH Grants Process Primer - Application to Award:  On November 13 and 14, 2024, the NIH is hosting a two-part event that will provide participants with the basics to help you in your role working with the NIH grants process from application preparation to award.  If you are a grant administrator or investigator with limited knowledge of the grants process, and eager to start building a better foundation in your role of working with the NIH, register for this two-part virtual event today! Register once<https://grants.nih.gov/news-events/calendar-of-events/66eaef67c35c99ed5b024512> and gain access to both parts.  READ MORE<https://nexus.od.nih.gov/all/2024/09/26/nih-announces-a-two-part-virtual-event-nih-grants-process-primer-application-to-award-november-13-14-2024/>

  *   Explore the Redesigned NIH Grants and Funding Website: NIH launched the new NIH Grants and Funding website. A key change involves a redesign of the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts and related funding information. READ MORE<https://xgs7nbtab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001rGAGB3ghnNhhDomHq81jfGNspfFt3KLFUdL7Si977nHogUDU5YlgNMnYda9uUx-DDFFl7vLihKZ9bDWI7-XnW56CoHgFq84sjjlFmRIyNV2-ukFwUFf5aYVkSM21XVPOyLcLOImvjYwiSwf5ckLQzRFvyuUGjpD0oCVu0cWTtyRMm3HPVRrWMVSBhOemwPubn7uuiFlqo3uo-6tt5eufzH5vTraV-iT6cu2FltexF3iQY-uj-JEJnDWpL7aOz1xcZprhsflj8c85bWe5IHnzyyviTWF9ckqOpw2tx0yYg3MLxVh_ofELDreqdQ8v9OFo33zdwIONCNo=&c=bLNmNpjKXRJO-A6ZHQ3i11yVuFLxqMRD3tfzV41nLLrVn2r2wvdWpQ==&ch=ENnqippqE2G8QO0DyfZAcBQZKNdoTvRJEjM8I2Jwxo1iAMxSZHFRYA==>
  *   Changes to Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Plan Progress Reporting and the Submission of Revised DMS Plans Are Coming on October 1: On October 1, NIH is adding several new Data Management and Sharing (DMS) questions to Research Performance Progress Reports (RPPRs) and updating the process for submitting revised DMS Plans to NIH for review. READ MORE<https://xgs7nbtab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001rGAGB3ghnNhhDomHq81jfGNspfFt3KLFUdL7Si977nHogUDU5YlgNMnYda9uUx-Du7NleCuCO-h6oJ5ZuAyPe1cD0eNfin6rtKx2d9IMp-onWq3jGe16X81nXsYFxxsPfuE_4c6YdnDBgsJZiT31NH4kVE_9hZ8ar-JovKq7zAoj0fJjgA4XJgSvcPzmePUVI_4zQg10LUVPFNZQR4k_avv-UsxVQOt73Cpydz72OkRvat8WIt9kPdouPkozL28VZlaYUfYmWeWPlpTt5bfjmaSCu33QQPLzhbhbY5MSnnBdfXGGu1Ma1Nh1LK_qZNZF0L2bx4ON8EubauUq0WU2dQeB60WG3Q_44AcLPsaYIYI=&c=bLNmNpjKXRJO-A6ZHQ3i11yVuFLxqMRD3tfzV41nLLrVn2r2wvdWpQ==&ch=ENnqippqE2G8QO0DyfZAcBQZKNdoTvRJEjM8I2Jwxo1iAMxSZHFRYA==>

IMPACT23 - Weekly Office Hours: Kuali Sponsored Programs

Please join us for the weekly Kuali Sponsored Programs Office Hours each Thursday from 9 - 9:30 a.m.

We hope to see you there!

Please visit https://impact23.ucr.edu/impact23-calendar for the listing of all Impact23 Office Hours, including links to copy a ZOOM meeting to your calendar.

Research List-Serv
Do you know of someone in your department who is not currently registered to receive newsletters (such as this one) from the Research listserv, but would like to?  If so, please forward their name and email address to Cynthia Johnson at cwells at ucr.edu<mailto:cwells at ucr.edu>.

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