[Research] NSF FastLane Decommissioned, Frequently Asked (Kuali-related) Questions, Agency News, CDFA Funding Opportunity, and More!

Cynthia J Johnson cynthia.johnson at ucr.edu
Fri Sep 29 09:19:13 PDT 2023

~~ Please disseminate this information with those researchers and research administrators in your department who may find it noteworthy ~~

REMINDER:  NSF FASTLANE Will Be Decommissioned Tonight!

FastLane letters of intent, proposals, and supplemental funding requests submitted in NSF FastLane system will no longer be accessible after 8pm PST, September 29, 2023. This includes proposals submitted to NSF via Cayuse or Grants.gov on or before November 18, 2022.

FastLane submitted and in-progress letters of intent, proposals, and supplemental funding requests will not be transferred to Research.gov; however, the reviews and summaries for proposals submitted in FastLane will remain available in Research.gov.

Authorized Organizational Representatives, Sponsored Projects Offices, Principal Investigators (PIs), and co-PIs should download or print FastLane submitted and in-progress letters of intent, proposals, and supplemental funding requests by the September 29, 2023, deadline if they wish to have copies of the documents currently in FastLane. See Instructions to Access and Download/Print FastLane Letters of Intent, Proposals and Supplemental Funding Requests<https://www.research.gov/common/attachment/Desktop/Instructions_Access_FastLane_Proposals%20_Supplements.pdf>.
See the FastLane Decommissioning<https://www.research.gov/research-web/content/fldecomm> page for further decommissioning details.

NSF Approved Current and Pending (Other) Support Formats: Say Goodbye to the NSF Fillable Form Next Month

Background: The National Science Foundation (NSF) currently requires a certification on Current and Pending Support<https://www.nsf.gov/bfa/dias/policy/cps.jsp?dlv-emuid=&dlv-mlid=0> for PIs and Senior Personnel on all proposals submitted or due on or after January 30, 2023 (PAPPG NSF 23-1, Chapter II.D.2.h(ii)<https://beta.nsf.gov/policies/pappg/23-1/ch-2-proposal-preparation#2D2hii>). This certification is to be included in both SciENcv and the NSF fillable forms to ensure that the information provided is current, accurate and complete. This includes, but is not limited to, information related to current, pending, and other support (both foreign and domestic).

Effective October 23, 2023, NSF will mandate the use of SciENcv for the preparation of the Current and Pending Support information; the NSF-fillable form will no longer be allowable option.  (While researchers may continue to prepare and submit their Current and Pending support document either via the use of SciENcv or the NSF Fillable PDF form through Oct. 22nd, NSF highly encourages researchers to begin preparing the Current and Pending (Other) Support using SciENcv<https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sciencv/> now.)

NSF Resource: Please refer to NSF Pre-Award and Post-Award Disclosures Relating to the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support<https://www.nsf.gov/bfa/dias/policy/disclosures_table.jsp>, for assistance in the development of these documents. This document identifies where these disclosures must be provided in proposals as well as in project reports.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  Is the Kuali Build C&G Application in EACS used for the routing of proposals in Kuali?
A:  No.

EACS is not used for roles and permissions in Kuali Research (e.g., proposal, award, and subaward modules).  Rather, roles and permissions for such modules are configured within the Kuali Research system.  Request for change(s) to individuals assigned to roles in Kuali Research need to be emailed (with a concurrence from the department SAA or CFAO) to kualisupport at ucr.edu<mailto:kualisupport at ucr.edu>.

The Kuali Build C&G application in EACS is used for roles/permissions and routing of Kuali Build forms associated with C&G activity (e.g., Request for PI Eligibility by Exception, PreAward Spending Requests, Material Transfer Requests, etc.).  As such, department SAA’s should continue to keep this application up to date so to ensure that forms route for approval to the appropriate individuals. (Kuali Build C&G in EACS duplicated the roles/permissions previously established in the eCAF application as of June 2023.)

Q:  If the questionnaires have been completed and no errors appear under Data Validation, then why is the PI still unable to Save & Submit the proposal into routing?
A:  The PI must complete the Proposal Person Certification (located under the Key Personnel). See Step by step guidance.<https://live-ucr-research.pantheonsite.io/sites/default/files/2023-09/Proposal%20Person%20Certification.pdf>

You will find these as well as other frequently asked questions located on the PAMIS tab in R’Space (https://portal.ucr.edu/uPortal/f/pamis-tab/normal/render.uP)

NIH Releases Updated Policy Pertaining to Foreign Subrecipients
In response to audits conducted by the HHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG) and by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), NIH published a Notice in the Federal Register (88 FR 36603<https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/06/05/2023-11897/notice-to-announce-nih-updated-policy-guidance-for-subawardconsortium-written-agreements>) on June 5, 2023, outlining its plans to update the NIH Grants Policy Statement, section 15.2<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/nihgps/HTML5/section_15/15.2_administrative_and_other_requirements.htm>, to require that foreign subrecipients provide copies of all lab notebooks, all data, and all documentation that supports the research outcomes as described in the progress report, to the primary recipient no less than once every six months.

Based on feedback received during the public comment period, NIH is modifying the requirements in the Federal Register Notice to state that subaward agreements must stipulate that foreign subrecipients will provide access to copies of all lab notebooks, all data, and all documentation that supports the research outcomes as described in the progress report, to the primary recipient with a frequency of no less than once per year, in alignment with the timing requirements for Research Performance Progress Report submission. By “access to,” it is understood that such access may be entirely electronic. NIH expects recipients to update existing subaward agreements to address this requirement within 60 days of the effective date of this notice.  NIH recognizes that recipients may need additional time depending on the number of agreements an institution has in place for each project. Therefore, extensions may be requested, if needed.

See NIH Final Updated Policy Guidance for Subaward/Consortium Written Agreements (NOT-OD-23-182<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-23-182.html>), issued September 15, 2023, for pertinent information (e.g., updated policy guidance and effective dates).

Additionally, NIH has posted the following webpage: Further Clarifying NIH’s Foreign Subaward Agreement Policy: Addressing Community Feedback<https://lnks.gd/l/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJidWxsZXRpbl9saW5rX2lkIjoxMDEsInVyaSI6ImJwMjpjbGljayIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vbmV4dXMub2QubmloLmdvdi9hbGwvMjAyMy8wOS8xNS9mdXJ0aGVyLWNsYXJpZnlpbmctbmlocy1mb3JlaWduLXN1YmF3YXJkLWFncmVlbWVudC1wb2xpY3ktYWRkcmVzc2luZy1jb21tdW5pdHktZmVlZGJhY2svIiwiYnVsbGV0aW5faWQiOiIyMDIzMDkyOC44MzI4Nzg5MSJ9.mKFlshkAmpQOY9auISl8i9Vj3-JBJCSh85kIP5x5pUc/s/1477930615/br/226988039763-l>.

NIH Webinar: Subaward Requirements — Domestic and Foreign
Whether you are a principal investigator considering a subaward arrangement with either a domestic or foreign institution, or a research administrator eager to deepen your understanding of the prerequisites and regulations governing compliant subaward agreements, mark your calendar for October 17 and virtually accompany NIH as they provide invaluable insights during an engaging event.

NIH Subaward Requirements: Domestic and Foreign

  *   Date:  October 17, 2023
  *   Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM (Eastern Time Zone)

Join experts from the NIH Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA) as they guide you through the various sections of a subaward agreement, offering detailed guidance and highlighting key policies. This is your opportunity to gain insights and seek clarification during the live Q&A.

Register now<https://grants.nih.gov/learning-center/nih-subaward-requirements> for this free event and embark on your path toward collaborative success! We encourage you to share this link with anyone you believe would benefit from this invaluable event.

New Training Video Available on the NASA Grants and Cooperative Agreements YouTube Playlist

From: NSSC-Grant-Administration <nssc-grant-administration at mail.nasa.gov>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2023 9:09 AM
Subject: "Intro to Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations" is Live!! (Training for our external stakeholders)

Grants Community,

We are pleased to announce a new training video, Intro to Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations<https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiuUQ9asub3RBxyZxDrKF57bIqxHGPtPh>, which is now live on the NASA Grants and Cooperative Agreements YouTube playlist<https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiuUQ9asub3RBxyZxDrKF57bIqxHGPtPh>.

This training explores the primary regulation that governs the award and administration of Federal grants and cooperative agreements, namely Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) or 2 CFR. In this video, viewers will be introduced to 2 CFR’s structure and gain a better understanding of how regulatory requirements impact grant and cooperative agreement applicants and recipients. This training is intended for individuals at any experience level and is designed to equip the viewer with the knowledge necessary to comply with government-wide and NASA-specific grant and cooperative agreement regulations.

California Department Of Food And Agriculture (CDFA) Accepting Proposals For 2023 Specialty Crop Multi-State Program


This is a federal grant program offered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Marketing Service. The purpose of the program is to competitively award funds to projects that enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops by funding collaborative, multi-state projects that address regional or national level specialty crop issues, including food safety, plant pests and disease, research, crop-specific projects addressing common issues, and marketing and promotion. Specialty crops include fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops (including floriculture). All prospective applicants are encouraged to review the 2023 Request for Applications:  https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/2023_SCMP_RFA.pdf<http://lists.cdfa.ca.gov/t/194796/286885/2764/1/>

Additional information about the grant program , including application instructions and templates are available on the CDFA website: http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/Specialty_Crop_Competitiveness_Grants/SCMP.html<http://lists.cdfa.ca.gov/t/194796/286885/2765/3/>

Grant awards will range from $250,000 to $1 million per project and projects may last for up to three years. Specialty crop producer associations and groups, other state agencies, Tribal government entities, universities, non-profits, and other stakeholder groups and organizations are eligible to apply.

All proposals must include at least two partners (referred to as "multi-state partners") with substantive involvement in the project, and the multi-state partners must be located in two different states to qualify for the program.

The deadline to submit proposals is 1:59 p.m. PT on December 22, 2023. Proposals must be submitted electronically to grants at cdfa.ca.gov<mailto:grants at cdfa.ca.gov>.

CDFA will conduct a webinar on Wednesday, October 25, 2023, at 10:00 am PDT featuring an overview of the proposal application. There is no cost to attend; however, space is limited and CDFA requests that attendees register in advance. Webinar registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3443709335194813016<http://lists.cdfa.ca.gov/t/194796/286885/2766/4/>

All questions regarding the Specialty Crop Multi-State Program should be emailed to grants at cdfa.ca.gov<mailto:grants at cdfa.ca.gov>. Please include “SCMP” in the subject line.

IMPACT23 – Weekly Office Hours: Kuali Sponsored Programs

Please join us for the weekly Kuali Sponsored Programs Office Hours each Thursday from 9 – 10am.

We hope to see you there!

Please visit https://impact23.ucr.edu/impact23-calendar for the listing of all Impact23 Office Hours, including links to copy a ZOOM meeting to your calendar.

Research List-Serv
Do you know of someone in your department who is not currently registered to receive newsletters (such as this one) from the Research listserv, but would like to?  If so, please forward their name and email address to Cynthia Johnson at cwells at ucr.edu<mailto:cwells at ucr.edu>.

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