[Research] Bionational Science Foundation and NSF News

Cynthia J Johnson cynthia.johnson at ucr.edu
Mon Feb 6 10:09:28 PST 2023

~~ Please disseminate this information with those researchers and research administrators in your department who may find it noteworthy ~~

New NSF-BSF program in Sociology

Dear Colleagues,

BSF is pleased to announce the addition of Sociology as a new participating program in the NSF-BSF partnership. NSF is now welcoming joint applications to this division for the first time. Applications are accepted throughout the year.

Israeli PIs must submit their proposal to the BSF no later than 7 days after the U.S. PIs submit to the NSF. For more details please see our call for proposals here.

For more information regarding NSF-BSF, please visit our website: https://www.bsf.org.il/funding-opportunities/nsf-bsf-joint-research-grants/about/

We will be glad to see you among the applicants to this program and we stand ready to provide assistance in answering your questions regarding proposal preparation, submission etc.


Anton Post, PhD

Executive Director

U.S. – Israel Binational Science Foundation

8 Hamarpeh St.

P.O.B. 45086

Jerusalem, 91450


Tel: 972-2-5828239 ext. 105

Cellular: 972-58-7179894

Fax: 972-2-5828306


Updated NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (NSF 23-1)

     The latest version of the PAPPG is in effect for proposals submitted on or after January 30, 2023.  READ MORE  <https://beta.nsf.gov/policies/pappg/23-1>  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Updated NSF Biographical Sketch and Current & Pending Support fillable PDF formats

Dear colleagues,

NSF has recently made enhancements to the biographical sketch and current and pending (other) support fillable PDF formats. The updated formats are consistent with the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 23-1<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001oc49cMXjzrapGo5TtJZ9cKhEIZyxwTlGj5Wsw0xqckWrwyfO7JO4bJkE6phkdF6HnE2DZPgJ4i61BeF1BLoyPHbIdopxUhqlwr8ftJmz3-O7UqVn4mqElur_jmejvgowP6UaX-DRob-E7wkO4aMe8V75DvO8L_oz3tH3V--icIA=&c=0aURoIlKQPuqu8uUsXWlwQFZBdQnKdAXZojzY9yKJWwQf0gVk66ocA==&ch=7s7SeElCmAjOYM0vfB5pOhgYmUOdsrncxwANbKH2aOCNYwc-Cz8Mmg==>) and are available on the NSF biographical sketch<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001oc49cMXjzrapGo5TtJZ9cKhEIZyxwTlGj5Wsw0xqckWrwyfO7JO4bLFOhR2k5jokeLcdizDJ6RH0KPglF_cV32dSHVirAyw_e6bNA9DTFvpaPOMqTHU_2ID6Ae-o3n0cCzBLYC5-TpJk9PaiQMKNDuIhb2l_6qTHr3bjCO78_Z0e9pqVCvhNQr9HvVn5pG4C&c=0aURoIlKQPuqu8uUsXWlwQFZBdQnKdAXZojzY9yKJWwQf0gVk66ocA==&ch=7s7SeElCmAjOYM0vfB5pOhgYmUOdsrncxwANbKH2aOCNYwc-Cz8Mmg==> and current and pending (other) support<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001oc49cMXjzrapGo5TtJZ9cKhEIZyxwTlGj5Wsw0xqckWrwyfO7JO4bLFOhR2k5jokJzMIA0CYAfKyvIYAyW0xOXSNRYt-3Q-QZYDMDOz-Y1YGPmXc_S0_6eq-WY6Vwacj78w0MlzW3n4NbKrJW7801YGdPvquIlc0TOlIg3BmJrb1KCD0EKdh6A==&c=0aURoIlKQPuqu8uUsXWlwQFZBdQnKdAXZojzY9yKJWwQf0gVk66ocA==&ch=7s7SeElCmAjOYM0vfB5pOhgYmUOdsrncxwANbKH2aOCNYwc-Cz8Mmg==> websites. NSF made the following enhancements in response to feedback received from the research community:

Current and Pending (Other) Support
·    Corrected the Status of Support radio button
·    Corrected fonts and margins for compliance with NSF policy
·    Included the revision date (rev. 01/19/2023) at the bottom of each page

Biographical Sketch
·    Corrected margins for compliance with NSF policy
·    Included the revision date (rev. 01/19/2023) at the bottom of each page

Staff from NSF and NIH conducted a webinar to discuss the revised formats and demonstrate the SciENcv system. A recording of the webinar will be made available in the coming days at: https://nsfpolicyoutreach.com/<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001oc49cMXjzrapGo5TtJZ9cKhEIZyxwTlGj5Wsw0xqckWrwyfO7JO4bMNHlch_rfWl-QFXEa7lmnQ1yQOGUnH94vQSmcZK5PaYOl-6KufASLtRjLILDOfoPTUBB1SIiaeyg9OEl2Cdaa_GaZ0j2Y63Vg==&c=0aURoIlKQPuqu8uUsXWlwQFZBdQnKdAXZojzY9yKJWwQf0gVk66ocA==&ch=7s7SeElCmAjOYM0vfB5pOhgYmUOdsrncxwANbKH2aOCNYwc-Cz8Mmg==>.

NSF appreciates the feedback from the research community. Additional feedback and questions may be submitted to: policy at nsf.gov<mailto:policy at nsf.gov>

Jean Feldman
Head, Policy Office
Division of Institution and Award Support
National Science Foundation

How To Subscribe to this Research List-Serv
Do you know of someone in your department who is not currently registered to receive newsletters (such as this one) from the Research listserv, but would like to?  If so, please forward their name and email address to Cynthia Johnson at cwells at ucr.edu<mailto:cwells at ucr.edu>.

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