[Research] Research Administrators INC and NSF News
Cynthia J Johnson
cynthia.johnson at ucr.edu
Wed Nov 16 11:13:04 PST 2022
~~ Please disseminate this information with those researchers and research administrators in your department who may find it noteworthy ~~
Research Administrators
Informative Noontime Collaboration
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Collaborate ~ Communicate ~ Connect
Participant Support Costs: An Overview of Dos and Don’ts
Please join Research Administrators INC for a 90-minute session focusing on Participant Support Costs. These costs require special treatment and clear communication throughout the award life cycle.
This NCURA webinar will help you understand what participant support costs are and why they are special. It will: (i) address the rules and regulations governing participant support costs; (ii) talk about how to budget, set up, and manage participant support costs; and (iii) touch on audit considerations. So, if there have been instances where you have struggled to confidently validate the allowability of participant support cost or if you could simply use a refresher on the fundamentals, then this Participant Support Costs webinar is for you.
This webinar will provide you with the knowledge and fundamental framework needed to manage participant support costs going forward.
WHEN: Tuesday, December 6th from Noon – 1:30PM (90 minutes)
To attend this webinar, please register here<http://research.ucr.edu/OrApps/Org/OrgEvents/Default.aspx?g=inc>. (The ZOOM invite will be emailed to all registrants on the morning of the event.)
* Provide participants with an overview of what participant support costs are and why they are special
* Learn about regulations governing participant support costs
* Learn how to budget, set up, and manage participant support costs
* Learn how to prepare for an audit of sponsored projects with participant support costs
Jaquion Gholston, Associate Director of the Sponsored Accounting Office
Stevens Institute of Technology
Jennifer Rodis, Policy & Planning Analyst
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sonya Stern, MBA, CFRA, Director of Sponsored Project Administration
University of Vermont
NSF Fall 2022 ERA Forum Webinar
Dear Colleagues:
You are invited to participate in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Electronic Research Administration (ERA) Forum webinar on November 30, 2022, from 11:00 - 12:30 PM Pacific Time. To participate in this Forum, please Register Now<https://nsf.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_8SXzzk9oSNCjIRjlgQFcXw>.
The topics for this Forum webinar will cover ORCID and SciENcv, Research.gov – Proposal Submission Modernization updates, FastLane to Research.gov Transition – Supplemental Funding Requests, Notifications and Requests, Award Documents, Continuing Grant Increment Reports, Award Notices – Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards (SEFA) Reporting, and Unique Entity Identifier (UEI).
We encourage you to send questions on these topics ahead of the November 30, 2022, ERA Forum webinar to nsferaforum at nsf.gov<mailto:nsferaforum at nsf.gov>.
For more information about the NSF ERA Forum Webinar, please visit the DIAS/Policy Office website at https://www.nsf.gov/bfa/dias/policy/era_forum.jsp.
Please share this information with your colleagues. They can also subscribe to our ERA Forum Listserv to receive future ERA Forum notifications by simply sending a blank email to NSF_ERA_FORUM-subscribe-request at listserv.nsf.gov<mailto:NSF_ERA_FORUM-subscribe-request at listserv.nsf.gov>.
Best regards,
NSF ERA Forum Team
National Science Foundation
nsferaforum at nsf.gov<mailto:nsferaforum at nsf.gov>
Maria Koszalka
Staff Associate, Research.gov
Division of Institution and Award Support
Budget, Finance & Award Management
2415 Eisenhower Avenue
Alexandria, VA 22314
How To Subscribe to this Research List-Serv
Do you know of someone in your department who is not currently registered to receive newsletters (such as this one) from the Research listserv, but would like to? If so, please forward their name and email address to Cynthia Johnson at cwells at ucr.edu<mailto:cwells at ucr.edu>
REMINDER: UCR will be closed on November 24th and 25th
[Ela Township Offices Closed in Observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday - Ela Township, IL]
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