[Research] Agency News

Cynthia J Johnson cynthia.johnson at ucr.edu
Tue Jun 28 11:53:07 PDT 2022

~~ Please disseminate this information with those researchers and research administrators in your department who may find it noteworthy ~~


Dear Colleagues:

You are invited to participate in the National Science Foundation (NSF) Electronic Research Administration (ERA) Forum webinar on July 19, 2022, from 1:30 - 3:00 PM Eastern Time (10:30am – Noon Pacific Time.

To participate in this Forum, please Register Now<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001973yFXIuWlSFD2Ae1irBA4iauYRXIppUGF_jcu9mvL0IxlmQcLETStEz0Q7rAIedfzeFUb6KMdeynQpnSGCyULp87Tedi7kigpH9wqcMenlXlNFe77iVXgjUu3mZGLsh-BlNzzmTQWPkuO2A1ZPe13OqZlJ9axmmz8WdWrC1YTXVzpAhwotbJ0ZkBqHAz3hhVR-8LGGLBvY=&c=ktMw0eZ7R-OefOken3_CYd1eW3p4Nr9-HopZkNExmN2SevyvurJi0A==&ch=PAVjxYXEOoCFvZd6JHOEZh0FNwv6INZtyiNXo6UvalvzCOG1cXocLw==>.

The topics for this Forum webinar will include
·    ORCID and SciENcv;
·    Project Reporting and Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System (FAPIIS) Reporting; and
·    Research.gov updates – Account Management, Individual Banking, and a demo focused on Where to Apply (Secondary Units of Consideration).

We encourage you to send questions in advance to: nsferaforum at nsf.gov<mailto:nsferaforum at nsf.gov>.

For more information about the NSF ERA Forum Webinar, please visit the DIAS/Policy Office website at https://www.nsf.gov/bfa/dias/policy/era_forum.jsp<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001973yFXIuWlSFD2Ae1irBA4iauYRXIppUGF_jcu9mvL0IxlmQcLETSmbiAPSVzk6gbIICWDbJlYNW4GL6Sr5ebsmvHcJdfdgQexRUmrnHCtvjjs08DGdfJZpoZHdMr8qagi9cwUJq0HV97RelZNBZ09h-kCBs68_uH5EXCWVzYtbDGqUp4QplHOPn8knVNMzY&c=ktMw0eZ7R-OefOken3_CYd1eW3p4Nr9-HopZkNExmN2SevyvurJi0A==&ch=PAVjxYXEOoCFvZd6JHOEZh0FNwv6INZtyiNXo6UvalvzCOG1cXocLw==>.

Please share this information with your colleagues. They can also subscribe to our ERA Forum Listserv to receive future ERA Forum notifications by simply sending a blank email to NSF_ERA_FORUM-subscribe-request at listserv.nsf.gov<mailto:NSF_ERA_FORUM-subscribe-request at listserv.nsf.gov>.

Best regards,
NSF ERA Forum Team
National Science Foundation
nsferaforum at nsf.gov<mailto:nsferaforum at nsf.gov>

Policy Outreach Website<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001973yFXIuWlSFD2Ae1irBA4iauYRXIppUGF_jcu9mvL0IxlmQcLETSqm4AQJtSdBHPPF5cpPZOCGsuA6O715NrudsZm43gc2SyHg6dTHURgdCFxFu4NwlTj1hOWcDwyGJrOAo_LGtJtZCnUmUMXC-KQ==&c=ktMw0eZ7R-OefOken3_CYd1eW3p4Nr9-HopZkNExmN2SevyvurJi0A==&ch=PAVjxYXEOoCFvZd6JHOEZh0FNwv6INZtyiNXo6UvalvzCOG1cXocLw==> | Resource Center<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001973yFXIuWlSFD2Ae1irBA4iauYRXIppUGF_jcu9mvL0IxlmQcLETSqm4AQJtSdBHgjD01_Z98OrhTK9b_N5rvAM5knvES4K9tOKQV7d-hnam5ENGHqA1jLTcc4kxPr9y3JOaZFDPtGpawm_j9PBkO5jGw4VLkiSZfXR17xw7Pe6E2nNSxej9og==&c=ktMw0eZ7R-OefOken3_CYd1eW3p4Nr9-HopZkNExmN2SevyvurJi0A==&ch=PAVjxYXEOoCFvZd6JHOEZh0FNwv6INZtyiNXo6UvalvzCOG1cXocLw==> | Update Notifications<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001973yFXIuWlSFD2Ae1irBA4iauYRXIppUGF_jcu9mvL0IxlmQcLETSh5sOhVcM1_Ki1oWtnKyxgI3S_YpUk-TQUjTnYW6zIAJn2mtTdHjUpWYh-k5q-2bg1rpTKRtSO7VKTz-ng_8K3DbyXx8rgWPAk3IpLAbOgc3Hc50XX430h4L44f-FGxvIQ==&c=ktMw0eZ7R-OefOken3_CYd1eW3p4Nr9-HopZkNExmN2SevyvurJi0A==&ch=PAVjxYXEOoCFvZd6JHOEZh0FNwv6INZtyiNXo6UvalvzCOG1cXocLw==>
Event Questions<mailto:Grants_Conference at nsf.gov> | Policy Office Questions<mailto:policy at nsf.gov>

[YouTube]‌ <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001973yFXIuWlSFD2Ae1irBA4iauYRXIppUGF_jcu9mvL0IxlmQcLETSmbiAPSVzk6gL6zpQqMNEWC8qQ4ZPm6MdHqzpwoLt5HX778uO1UeyCyrKDMeglKFwaormc_TDLqLOVa-ackoRRVZXeDDaGouGhLaqWEEMmLa0soFN12MI5npMqQ23IHcjr1SUsXN16_LWfzfSkFSfjo=&c=ktMw0eZ7R-OefOken3_CYd1eW3p4Nr9-HopZkNExmN2SevyvurJi0A==&ch=PAVjxYXEOoCFvZd6JHOEZh0FNwv6INZtyiNXo6UvalvzCOG1cXocLw==>

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NSF Announces New Opportunities for Hispanic-Serving Institutions to Support Research and Capacity Building Through Collaborations and Partnerships: The NSF announced a new funding opportunity of nearly $29 million through the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program, also known as the HSI program. READ MORE<https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001cQbUos_qiB_WD6xQg-0lwaB7TxruaUpb4JEgcp77m9BHHXlbYYMER3nApVI9lWddFL9z2p_3RnU_5TaEr2RCThyaE7BD-F4PPvovQTjCpskBdo_j6vm6UCKKqVFspkXaY5UBx6CeohjNhV64bblkUitfwxPLSRbcpOYKQcEfaPZl0K9nDs_y9UyoMrM6Q-9aDe5oO-IxFDOoqBI6ObAveD5PXjBvGg5elPIL8lAQ3-I0865ErHBKtyS0fuPjxotnFUNYt7LvtsGZLCeNZylhXQ==&c=YX29nvNNqy1lZ_1IGbBhpDP6OSEXtWNoquAw8ia_fLD5nU5-4MKfBw==&ch=-nIQl5KUtuCSQRzTdrZRRzihbUzWILX5NpTq_Ddo65FzstHJP96lRQ==>

See HSI Program Network Resource Centers and Hubs (HSI-Net)<https://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?WT.z_pims_id=506052&ods_key=nsf22602> for Program Solicitation NSF 22-602.

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Update: iEdison to Transition from NIH eRA to NIST; Downtime and Action Items Required in Preparation for August 9 Launch of New iEdison

The management of iEdison, the system used by awardees to report inventions and patents resulting from federal research funding per the Bayh-Dole Act (35 U.S.C. 200-206), is transitioning from the NIH eRA to the DOC NIST, effective August 9, 2022.  In preparation for the transition and launch of the new iEdison system, please be advised that the iEdison system will be unavailable from August 2-8, 2022.

Actions for Users to Take Before the Transition
To ensure a smooth transition, iEdison users should:

  1.  Sign up for system updates — Subscribe to NIST<https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USNIST/subscriber/new?topic_id=USNIST_523> for the latest updates on the redesigned iEdison, including updates on training opportunities described below.
  2.  Attend a training session — NIST will be hosting several online training sessions during the months of July and August to demonstrate how to navigate and use the new iEdison system. Training sessions will be broken into two 2-hour sessions and are currently scheduled on the following dates:

     *   Part 1 Sessions: July 18, July 26, August 1, August 15, and August 25
     *   Part 2 Sessions: July 19, July 28, August 2, August 16, and August 26
Additional information on these training opportunities will be posted on www.nist.gov/iedison<http://www.nist.gov/iedison> and sent to those who have subscribed to NIST updates.

  1.  Deactivate obsolete accounts — Deactivate accounts that are no longer needed and do not need to be transferred to the new system (account administrators should take this action) See steps on <Deactivating User Accounts<https://www.era.nih.gov/erahelp/AMS_IEDISON_EXT/#Manage_Account/Deactivate_Account.htm> in iEdison>.
  2.  Prepare to use Login.gov (Important) — Access to the new iEdison system will require a Login.gov account. Create a Login.gov account at Login.gov<https://login.gov/>, using the email address you have for your existing iEdison account (this ensures the linkage between a user’s existing and new iEdison account). Using Login.gov ensures an extra layer of security through two-factor authentication. For instructions on how to set up a Login.gov account, see Creating a Login.gov Account | NIST<https://www.nist.gov/iedison/creating-logingov-account>.

Please note that there will be no changes to the longstanding NIH requirements for invention and patent reporting under the Bayh-Dole Act, as incorporated by reference as a term and condition of every NIH grant award.

The only change will be the new iEdison system interface and associated Login.gov requirements for access.

Please be mindful of the important dates above and submit your compliance documents early to ensure compliance for any required submissions due during the period of shutdown.
For further information, please see NIH Notice NOT-OD-22-158<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-22-158.html>

How To Subscribe to this Research List-Serv
Do you know of someone in your department who is not currently registered to receive newsletters (such as this one) from the Research listserv, but would like to?  If so, please forward their name and email address to Cynthia Johnson at cwells at ucr.edu<mailto:cwells at ucr.edu>.


Monday, July 4, 2022
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