[Research] Export Control Awareness Training, Agency News and More
Cynthia J Wells
cynthia.wells at ucr.edu
Fri Sep 3 14:34:08 PDT 2021
~~ Please disseminate this information with those researchers and research administrators in your department who may find it noteworthy ~~
In collaboration with Systemwide Export Control, UCR's Export Control Office is delighted to announce the launch of a new on-line training module as part of its local Export Compliance Program Plan (ECP), covering the following topics:
* Overview | Understand export control basics
* Research | Recognize what is covered under Fundamental Research Exclusion
* Risks | Identify export control risks related to your work
* International Shipping
* Biological Agents | What is and is not controlled
* International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)
* Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
* Traveling Abroad
All UCR faculty, staff and students are encouraged to review the training module to remain informed on how U.S. export controls can affect university activities.
To access the new on-line training module, please log in to the Learning Management System (LMS) using the Single Sign-On (SSO) option at the following link:
EXPORT CONTROL<https://uc.sumtotal.host/Core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=core%2Factivitydetails%2FViewActivityDetails%3FActivityId%3D481709%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>
Should you have any questions please contact the Export Control Office at exportcontrol at ucr.edu<mailto:exportcontrol at ucr.edu>.
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Goodbye FORMS-F, Hello FORMS-G (NIH Extramural Nexus) Applicants applying to NIH funding opportunities with due dates on or after January 25, 2022 must use updated application forms and instructions identified with a Competition ID of "FORMS-G." https://nexus.od.nih.gov/all/2021/09/01/goodbye-forms-f-hello-forms-g/
Upcoming: Save the Date November 1-4, 2021: Fall 2021 NIH Virtual Seminar on Program Funding and Grants Administration (NIH) If you are an administrator, researcher, early-stage investigator, graduate student, or anyone new to working with the NIH grants process, then this seminar is designed specifically for you. More experienced? Attend our policy updates and check out our case study series. https://grants.nih.gov/2021-nih-virtual-seminar.htm
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United States - Israel Binational Science Foundation
[cid:image003.png at 01D7A0D0.725F02F0]<https://www.google.com/search?q=US-Israel+Binational+Science+Foundation&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS892US892&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=tpiRkvFXoOZ3uM%252CUoAEr8MK4_l33M%252C%252Fm%252F03chz11&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kSqfRwQXen5wEPwu14MG-tveBNCSA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj0hpSs3uPyAhXNVs0KHZ8uA4gQ_B16BAgrEAI#imgrc=tpiRkvFXoOZ3uM>
From: yael=bsf.org.il at responder.co.il<mailto:yael=bsf.org.il at responder.co.il> yael=bsf.org.il at responder.co.il<mailto:yael=bsf.org.il at responder.co.il> On Behalf Of US-Israel Binational Science Foundation
Quarterly overview of the BSF and NSF-BSF programs
Dear Colleague,
Remaining optimistic regarding international travel, BSF is pleased to announce the resumption of the Prof. Rahamimoff Travel Grants for graduate students that are in an advanced stage of their PhD research. Submission of proposals through institutional research authorities is required. Deadline for submission at the BSF office is December 8, 2021. The Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576113&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
We also would like to draw your attention to a couple of points.
* US PIs should pay particular attention to the NSF requirement that collaborative proposals with Israeli PI(s) are identified as such by adding the prefix NSF-BSF: to the research title on the cover page.
* After submission of an NSF-BSF proposal, US PIs are advised to remind their Israeli collaborators of the requirement to submit the same proposal with Israeli budget details to BSF within one week of the NSF submission.
* Submissions to the NSF-BSF program require that the Israeli PI submit the NSF-BSF proposal using the BSF on line system. In the event that the NSF-BSF proposal exceeds 3MB and therefore fails to upload to the website, please send the file to Ms. Yael Dressler (yael at bsf.org.il<mailto:yael at bsf.org.il>) who will route your proposal internally.
* In parallel to NSF requirements, BSF now solicits abstracts for a general audience from Israeli PIs who have been awarded an NSF-BSF grant. We request that PIs convert their proposal abstract to a general abstract by the time they negotiate their amended budget with the BSF office Please be aware of this new requirement and make sure to send it to Ms. Yael Dressler (yael at bsf.org.il<mailto:yael at bsf.org.il>).
* Starting October 15th, all of the Materials programs will be open to receive submission throughout the year. Investigators are advised that the dates from April 15th to June 15th should, optimally, be avoided for submissions.
The guidelines for proposal preparation for BSF and NSF-BSF programs are slightly different. Please check our regulations for both BSF regular grants and for NSF-BSF grants on our website:
* BSF Regular Research Grants Program (life and health sciences). Deadline for applications is November 17, 2021. The website is now open for submission. The regulations for proposal submission under this program are found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576117&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
These following NSF-BSF programs have deadlines as specified:
Directorate of Mathematical and Physical Sciences:
* NSF-BSF program in Mathematical Biology. Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is September 6, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is September 12, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576119&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Probability. Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is September 27, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is October 3, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576119&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>
* NSF-BSF programs in Combinatorics; Foundations. Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is September 28, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is October 4, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576119&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>
* NSF-BSF program in Analysis. Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is September 30, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is October 6, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576119&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>
* NSF-BSF program in Algebra and Number Theory. Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is October 8, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is October 15, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576119&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Geometric Analysis; Topology. Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is November 2, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is November 8, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576119&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Basic Plasma Sciences and Engineering. Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is November 15, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is November 21, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576121&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Applied Mathematics. Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is November 15, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is November 23, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576119&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is November 15, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is November 21, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576123&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics - Experiment and Theory; Gravitational Physics - Experiment and Theory; Integrative Activities in Physics; LIGO Research Support. Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is November 24, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is November 30, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576121&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Nuclear Physics - Experiment and Theory; Elementary Particle Physics - Experiment; Particle Astrophysics - Experiment. Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is December 7, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is December 13, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576121&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Computational Mathematics. Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is December 1, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is December 7, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576119&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Elementary Particle Physics - Theory; Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology - Theory; Quantum Information Science; Physics of Living Systems. Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is December 14, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is December 20, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576121&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Statistics. Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is December 15, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is December 21, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576119&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
Directorate of Computer Science:
* NSF-BSF programs in Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science (SCH). Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is November 10, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is November 16, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576125&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF programs in Computational Neuroscience (CRCNS). Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is November 23, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is November 29, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576127&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
Directorate of Geosciences:
* NSF-BSF programs in Physical Oceanography; Chemical Oceanography. Deadline for applications by the U.S. partner to the NSF is February 15, 2022 and by the Israeli Partner to the BSF is February 21, 2022. Call for proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576129&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
Directorate of Biological Sciences:
* NSF-BSF program in Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases. Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is November 24, 2021 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is November 30, 2021. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576131&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Integrative Strategies for Understanding Neural and Cognitive Systems. Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is February 14, 2022 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is February 20, 2022. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576133&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>
* NSF-BSF program in Enabling Discovery through Genomics (IOS=EDGE). Deadline for application by the U.S. partner to the NSF is February 17, 2022 and by the Israeli partner to the BSF is February 23, 2022. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576135&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>
Directorate of Social, Behavioral and Economics Sciences:
* NSF-BSF programs in Social Psychology. Deadline for applications by the U.S. partner to the NSF is January 17, 2022 and by the Israeli Partner to the BSF is January 23, 2022. Call for proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576137&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF programs in Developmental Sciences. Deadline for applications by the U.S. partner to the NSF is January 17, 2022 and by the Israeli Partner to the BSF is January 23, 2022. Call for proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576137&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF programs in Economics and Decision Sciences. Deadline for applications by the U.S. partner to the NSF is January 18, 2022 and by the Israeli Partner to the BSF is January 24, 2022. Call for proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576139&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF programs in Science of Learning and Augmented Intelligence Program. Deadline for applications by the U.S. partner to the NSF is January 19, 2022 and by the Israeli Partner to the BSF is January 25, 2022. Call for proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576137&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF programs in Perception, Action and Cognition. Deadline for applications by the U.S. partner to the NSF is February 1, 2022 and by the Israeli Partner to the BSF is February 7, 2022. Call for proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576137&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF programs in Cognitive Neuroscience. Deadline for applications by the U.S. partner to the NSF is February 11, 2022 and by the Israeli Partner to the BSF is February 17, 2022. Call for proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576137&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
The following NSF-BSF programs have no deadlines and are open for submission throughout the year:
* NSF-BSF programs in Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF) are open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576141&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF programs in Computer and Network Systems (CNS) are open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576143&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF programs in Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS) are open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576145&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF programs in Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems are open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576147&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF programs in Materials are open to receive applications anytime throughout the year, starting October 15th. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576149&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576151&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in the Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) division is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576153&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Earth Sciences is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576155&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576157&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Cyber Security is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576159&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Marine Geology and Geophysics is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576129&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Biological Oceanography is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576129&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Molecular and Cellular Biosciences is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576161&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576163&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>.
* NSF-BSF program in Environmental Biology (DEB) is open to receive applications anytime throughout the year. Call for Proposals can be found here<https://links.responder.co.il/?lid=23576165&sid=379320571&k=47dbef3539e8c43ba97d5a8fb6d978c3>
We will be glad to see you among the applicants to any of these programs and we stand ready to provide assistance in answering your questions regarding proposal preparation, submission etc.
Wishing you and your family Shana Tova (Happy Jewish New Year)
Anton Post, PhD
Executive Director
U.S. - Israel Binational Science Foundation
8 Hamarpeh St.
P.O.B. 45086
Jerusalem, 91450
Tel: 972-2-5828239 ext. 105
Cellular: 972-58-7179894
Fax: 972-2-5828306
Research Administrators
Informative Noontime Collaboration
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Collaborate ~ Communicate ~ Connect
Welcome back! Please join Research Administrators INC on Monday, September 13th at Noon as we continue this academic year to walk through the life cycle of an award series, beginning with Part 1 of a 2-part series on
Award Monitoring / Award Management. (Please note that each part is 2 hours in length.)
These two sessions will: (i) focus on award management strategies and techniques for both the central and departmental research administrators tasked with financial oversight of sponsored awards; (ii) focus on what to look for during award initiation and award closeout; and (iii) discuss strategies for how the research administrator can best support the PI during the period of performance to maximize award spending, while effectively managing risk. Furthermore, in this 2-part session will review some perennial hot topics such as cost transfers, subaward monitoring, cost sharing, and effective and efficient award closeouts.
Learning objectives:
* Participants will learn techniques for identifying higher risk awards and transactions and what documentation to put in place to support these costs (or when to transfer them off of the award) as well as an awareness of when to ask more questions.
* Participants will also be introduced to proactive award management strategies that, if applied during the life of the award, will support an efficient and timely closeout.
To receive the ZOOM link to this meeting, please register here<https://redit.ucr.edu/OrApps/Org/OrgEvents/Default.aspx?g=inc>
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Note: RA-INC will be going through this entire Life Cycle of the Award Series together; however, those wishing to view the series at their own pace,
or those wishing to jump to a particular topic of interest, are able to do so now at their convenience via the new SPA training portal
located at https://research.ucr.edu/spa/training.
(A UCR NetID is required.)
How To Subscribe to this Research List-Serv
Do you know of someone in your department who is not currently registered to receive newsletters (such as this one) from the Research list-serv, but would like to be? If so, please forward their name and email to cynthia.wells at ucr.edu<mailto:cynthia.wells at ucr.edu>.
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