[Research] Research Administrators INC and Other Noteworthy News

Cynthia J Wells cynthia.wells at ucr.edu
Fri Feb 12 15:12:40 PST 2021

~~ Please disseminate this information with those researchers and research administrators in your department who may find it noteworthy ~~


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  *   NIH issued guidance for NIH Fiscal Operations for FY 2021 includes the following policies:
·        FY 2021 Funding Levels: Non-competing continuation awards made in FY 2021 will generally be issued at the commitment level indicated on the Notice of Award.
·        Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSA): NIH will increase NRSA stipends by approximately two percent for predocs and two percent for postdocs.
·        Next Generation Researchers Initiative Policy: NIH will prioritize meritorious R01-equivalent applications from Early Stage Investor (ESI) PD/PIs.
·        NIH Salary Cap for Grants and Cooperative Agreements: Effective January 3, 2021, the salary limitation for Executive Level II is $199,300.

       For guidance details, see NOT-OD-21-058<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-21-058.html>.

  *   NIH has just released a new video, Writing an Effective "K" Application<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcCo-nUKbt0&feature=youtu.be>.   It is designed for junior investigators and those who assist in the preparation of the scientific portions of an application.  In addition, to preparation pointers, the video describes how to avoid the most common mistakes in K applications, as well as some typical misconceptions about the review process.
  *   NIH Seeks Diversity in Conference Proposals.  Applicants are urged to increase participation of people from diverse backgrounds. Click here for further details<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001cv_WJtp7HydE7eYCMaftdUt0mfqKED94tNBDrRe5BXXPKMt07Zmre2Tz92mETNqwTtHln5M0IO3SGvl9PrukZ_snTMKOEZzxR__F_RFCUin-IbUGxRQGSjZZvAQ1lknxcQqRyV7R7ycl3oLCWgAlUDj8EMkkEVm5SJ2DUEXDfMDpP6aN1VHgQHoSHfSs7aTuwxDZ8EYDUUwqgBMG0gReLZvVTnLL1t56lbdFgA7NW6Yyt1nh0ZI3mw==&c=byUfVNBYaXAJ7AxVIG-WLZbBl0F0XbxSYFbDZsgQs5uB5LRZs8ZpgA==&ch=hLb6uU65C16mi2I713wGTZ-YzERQPiB3FfAkK8iDXo5rqz5SWfrslQ==>

  *   Additionally, please join University of California Global Health Institute (UCGHI) in promoting National Institutes of Health(NIH) Diversity Supplements for students, postdocs, and faculty.

NIH Diversity Supplements<https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/pa-20-222.html> are an underutilized resource that allows administrative supplements to a wide variety of funding mechanisms to enhance diversity in the scientific work force. The mechanism also provides short- and long-term support for faculty members to conduct full-time research. The mechanism allows support for high school students, undergraduate students, baccalaureate and master’s degree holders, graduate and health professional students, and individuals in postdoctoral training.

UCGHI will host a free webinar on March 3, 2021 from 12:00-1:00 PM, PST with a panel of expert NIH Program Officers to provide an overview of NIH Diversity Supplements.

REGISTER today<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nih-diversity-supplements-for-students-postdocs-and-faculty-tickets-141342243455>!
More on NIH panelists available here<https://ucghi.universityofcalifornia.edu/event/nih-diversity-supplements-webinar>.
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Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program: Administrative Supplements Offered for Current Grantees Whose Research Has Been Disrupted by COVID-19
[University of California RGPO Logo]

Dear Current TRDRP Grantees,

We are writing to provide you with additional guidance on the administrative supplements that were announced in December.  These administrative supplements are designed be awarded during a grant’s No Cost Extension period.

The goal of the administrative supplements is to provide limited funding to current grantees impacted by research facility closures and/or research activity suspension due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Current grantees are defined as those whose TRDRP-funded research was active between March-December 2020.  Awards operating on a No Cost Extension (NCE) between March-December 2020 are also eligible to request an administrative supplement.  COVID Emergency Seed and COVID Continuation Awards are not eligible for administrative supplements.

Grantees may initiate an administrative supplement request through SmartSimple. This is initiated by submitting a request for a No Cost Extension (NCE) in the final year of the award. The SmartSimple instructions for completing NCE requests can be found in the appendices of attached instructions.

To initiate the administrative supplement request, the grantee must first submit an NCE Request of at least six months and mention the intention to apply for an administrative supplement as part of the justification. The NCE request should be submitted at least 30 days prior to the end date of the award.

Grantees will then be assigned several items to complete in SmartSimple: the Annual Fiscal Forecast, Annual Scientific Report, and an Award Amount Modification.  These activities will be due 30 days after the PI has been notified of their availability; however, RGPO will not consider the administrative supplement request until all of these reports are submitted.

Grantees currently operating in a No Cost Extension may submit the Administrative Supplement Request form via an Award Amount Modification activity as soon as they can access their award in SmartSimple (beginning January 28, 2021).

We’ve attached the application instructions, application form, and a list of frequently asked questions in anticipation of what you may want to know.  Please contact your program officer if you have other questions regarding this process.  As a reminder, these administrative supplements are designed to be awarded during a grant’s No Cost Extension period, so no action is required until the final year of your award.


Tracy Richmond McKnight, PhD
Director, Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program
University of California | Office of the President | 300 Lakeside Drive, 6th Floor | Oakland, CA 94612-3550
P (510) 987-9811 | F (510) 835-4740
Tracy.Richmond-McKnight at ucop.edu<mailto:Tracy.Richmond-McKnight at ucop.edu>| www.trdrp.org<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.trdrp.org%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cmichael.melner%40cancer.org%7C6a5616f4e08a4d4baa4708d4cf9731b7%7Cafbb768cd68242ad8f7e7202d06c0b61%7C0%7C0%7C636361695660841492&sdata=78xsVlCnp7rr1lnv4dVwZ%2BQo1yCT44RoIIFzxAF%2Bfng%3D&reserved=0>


  *   Administrative Supplement Application Instructions<https://www.trdrp.org/funding-opportunities/trdrp-administrative-supplement-instructions-final3.pdf>
  *   Administrative Supplement Application Form<https://www.trdrp.org/funding-opportunities/administrative-supplement-form_final.docx>
  *   Frequently Asked Questions<https://www.trdrp.org/funding-opportunities/trdrp-administrative-supplements-faq_final2.pdf>


California National Primate Research Center 2021 Call for Pilot Project Letters of Intent

The California National Primate Research Center (CNPRC) Pilot Program invites Letters of Intent for pilot project proposals to support basic and translational research using nonhuman primates (rhesus macaque and titi monkeys) for the 2021-2022 funding period. Pilot projects that address biomedical/translational research topics across the nonhuman primate lifespan and include CNPRC scientific research unit areas (Infectious Diseases, Neuroscience and Behavior, Reproductive Sciences and Regenerative Medicine, Respiratory Diseases) are requested. Pilot projects should be innovative and lead to tangible results in a one-year period. Full details of the call and additional information about the CNPRC Pilot Program may be located here<https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnprc.ucdavis.edu%2Four-science%2Fpilot-research-program%2F&data=04%7C01%7Cdavid.stitelman%40yale.edu%7Cdc2b5f37f1574b9ee5d008d8c4824307%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C637475411052683229%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=4%2BeSMJgedZ9vo4vksjcDHZaxnlmc8qYERhM%2FRaS5sFo%3D&reserved=0>.

The deadline for Letters of Intent is March 1, 2021. Full proposals will be requested from a subset of Letters of Intent. Applicants should note that this process is competitive at two levels, for both the Letters of Intent and the full proposals. Questions about the CNPRC Pilot Program may be emailed to the Associate Director of Research:  lmiller at ucdavis.edu<mailto:lmiller at ucdavis.edu>

Research Administrators
Informative Noontime Collaboration
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Collaborate ~ Communicate ~ Connect

Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) has launched a new on-demand education training portal containing
video webinars and supporting resources which will walk the participant through the entire life cycle of an award.

Please join Research Administrators INC on Monday, March 1st at Noon as we dive into Part 2 of a 3-part series on Budgeting.

Are you ready to start building your sponsored project or idea, but do not know what and how much to ask for? If preparing a budget for your grant or contract is daunting for you, come learn the basic elements of how to draft a project budget with confidence.  An effective budget can be a productive tool in driving towards your goals for the entire life of the project. We also need to ensure that we have the funds needed to complete the project successfully and do not to leave resources on the table.

This 3-part series will walk through the development of a project budget including: what costs need to be covered, categorization of budget costs by differing sponsors, utilizing the appropriate rates as required and more. (Each part is 90 minutes in length.)

Learning objectives:

  *   The basic components of a project budget
  *   How to estimate the realistic cost of a project
  *   What other documents you may also need to submit with your proposal

To receive the ZOOM link to this meeting, please register here<https://redit.ucr.edu/OrApps/Org/OrgEvents/Default.aspx?g=inc>
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Note:  RA-INC will be going through this entire Life Cycle of the Award Series together;  however, those wishing to view the series at their own pace,
or those wishing to jump to a particular topic of interest, are able to do so now at their convenience via the new SPA training portal
located at https://research.ucr.edu/spa/training.
(A UCR NetID is required.)

How To Subscribe to this Research List-Serv

Do you know of someone in your department who is not currently registered to receive newsletters (such as this one) from the Research list-serv, but would like to be?  If so, kindly forward the following registration information onto them.

Step 1:   Click on the following link to register to the research list-serve: http://lists.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/research
Step 2:   You need only enter your UCR email, create a password, and push the Subscribe button in this section of the site:
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Farewell wishes to Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research Integrity, Dario Kuzmanovic, who will be leaving UC Riverside on February 16th to begin a new job opportunity at a medical research company in Los Angeles.

He will be missed…Best of luck to you, Dario!

Charles Greer, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, will temporarily fill the duties of Dario’s role in leading the Research Integrity Office. These include continuing the ongoing process for our upcoming AAALAC accreditation visit.

For other matters related to the Research Integrity Office, please refer to the following contacts:

  *   IRB, IRB at ucr.edu<mailto:IRB at ucr.edu>
  *   IACUC,  IACUC at ucr.edu<mailto:IACUC at ucr.edu>
  *   IBC,  IBC at ucr.edu<mailto:IBC at ucr.edu>
  *   Conflict of Interest/PRO, PRO at ucr.edu<mailto:PRO at ucr.edu>
  *   For all other matters or to be connected to the correct person, please contact Karina Quezada - karina.quezada at ucr.edu<mailto:karina.quezada at ucr.edu>

A national search to fill the vacant position will be launched soon.


Monday, February 15TH
UCR will be closed on Monday, February 15th in observance of President’s Day.

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