[Piwrs_coordinators] New Training Announcement: Restricted Party Screening

Bobbi A McCracken bobbi.mccracken at ucr.edu
Wed Nov 17 13:33:22 PST 2021

Dear Colleagues,

In collaboration with Systemwide Export Controls and UC Risk & Safety Training, UCR's Export Control Office is delighted to announce the launch of a new on-line training module on the topic of Restricted Party Screening (RPS).  The objectives of the new on-line training module are to:

  *   Define RPS and understand its importance
  *   Identify responsibilities related to RPS, such as, who is responsible for screening, and which types of activities, persons, and entities should be routinely screened
  *   Outline RPS requirements, such as, tools used, how to review and escalate screening results; and
  *   Where to locate resources and when to consult the expert(s) at your location.

The Restricted Party Screening training module is made available to all UCR faculty, staff and students as part of UCR's Export Compliance Program Plan (ECP).<https://exportcontrol.ucr.edu/sites/g/files/rcwecm5456/files/2021-10/ECP-20210110_0.pdf>

To access the new on-line training module, please log in to the Learning Management System (LMS) using the following link:

RESTRICTED PARTY SCREENING<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2fmanagement%2fLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3fActivityId%3d498240%26UserMode%3d0&domain=14>

For additional information on Restricted Party Screening, please visit the Export Control Office website at: https://exportcontrol.ucr.edu/ or contact the Export Control Office at exportcontrol at ucr.edu<mailto:exportcontrol at ucr.edu>.

Charles E. Greer, Jr.
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
University of California, Riverside
Research and Economic Development
(951) 827-3093 (p)

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