[Physics-talks] Public dissertation defense: Ian McConachie

Arianna Mondragon arianna.mondragon at ucr.edu
Wed Dec 6 09:35:35 PST 2023

Hello all,

I'd like to advertise my defense, which is scheduled for 9:30 AM on Friday, December 8 in the Physics Reading Room. It will be hybrid, so here is the link:

Meeting ID: 966 8190 5100

Title: Ultra-Massive Galaxies in Galaxy Protoclusters at z>3

Abstract: We present a comprehensive study of ultra-massive galaxies (UMGs) in three spectroscopically-confirmed protoclusters at z>3 discovered by the Massive Ancient Galaxies At z > 3 NEar-infrared (MAGAZ3NE) survey in the COSMOS UltraVISTA field.  We measure an elevated fraction of quiescent galaxies relative to the coeval field for massive galaxies in one protocluster, which provides a striking and important counterexample to the seeming ubiquitousness of star-forming galaxies in protoclusters and highlights the diversity of evolutionary states of protoclusters in the early Universe. Two protoclusters separated by 18 arcminutes on the sky (35 comoving Mpc), in good agreement with predictions from simulations for the size of ``Coma''-type cluster progenitors at this epoch. We produce overdensity maps of all three protoclusters, finding good agreement between our results, other observations of these structures, and simulations of cluster progenitors. We show that while the properties of UMGs and their neighboring galaxies in protoclusters appear to be correlated, UMGs and protoclusters exist in a diversity of evolutionary states at early cosmic times. We find that the other massive galaxies around the protocluster UMGs appear to obey galactic conformity in their rest-frame colors, which would be the first detection of conformity at z>3.

Thank you!

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