[Physics-staff] FW: [Physics-grads-open] Physics and Astronomy Holiday Party: December 19th

Guille Vallejo guille.vallejo at ucr.edu
Mon Dec 11 11:53:24 PST 2023

Good morning everyone,

If you are planning to attend the Dept Holiday Party next Tuesday, please be sure to RSVP to Arianna by COB today. We have to turn in final numbers for catering - Thank you!!

Same thing for our Dept Admin Breakfast on the 21st. Thanks!

Guille Vallejo

From: Physics-grads-open <physics-grads-open-bounces at lists.ucr.edu> On Behalf Of Arianna Mondragon
Sent: Monday, December 11, 2023 9:07 AM
To: physics-talks at lists.ucr.edu; physics-grads-open at lists.ucr.edu
Subject: [Physics-grads-open] Physics and Astronomy Holiday Party: December 19th

Good morning,

We invite you to attend our department Holiday Party on December 19th at the Alumni Center.
Please see below for more details and let us know if you have any questions.
RSVPs are due by tomorrow.


Thank you,

Arianna Mondragon

Travel & Events Coordinator

UC Riverside | Physics & Astronomy

3047 Physics Building | Riverside, California 92521

In-person office hours:  Monday-Friday, 8AM-5PM

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