[IIGB_All] Lost and Found

Chantti Compay chantti.compay at ucr.edu
Mon Nov 25 08:14:24 PST 2024

Dear Genomics Building Residents,

We hope this message finds you well.
We wanted to inform you that an eyeglass with its case was recently found in the first-floor women's bathroom within the building last week.
The item has been brought to the office for safekeeping.

If this item belongs to you, please feel free to stop by the office during office hours (M-F 10:30-12:00, 1:30-3:00) to claim it.
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Thank you, and we're happy to assist you in any way we can!

Chantti Compay, MBA
Financial Services Analyst II
(951) 827-7177
chantti.compay at ucr.edu<mailto:chantti.compay at ucr.edu>  | Useful Links<https://iigb.ucr.edu/department-resources>
[cid:image001.png at 01DB3F11.B1F4DC90]<https://iigb.ucr.edu/>[cid:image002.png at 01DB3F11.B1F4DC90]<https://cepceb.ucr.edu/>

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