[IIGB_All] Initative

Katayoon Dehesh katayoon.dehesh at ucr.edu
Mon May 29 16:19:21 PDT 2023

Dear colleagues,
I would like to discuss an initiative to support our students in attending conferences and meetings. As you may be aware, I have been hosting some of the speakers for our IIGB Friday noon seminars and symposium at my home for dinner. This effort has allowed us to save approximately $1500 thus far.
My aim is to expand this practice and create a pool of funds dedicated to supporting our students' travel expenses for scientific conferences. I believe it would be a great opportunity for us to contribute to their professional growth and enable them to participate in important scientific gatherings.
If you agree with this idea, I request your support in this endeavor by hosting some of your invited speakers as well. By doing so, we can collectively contribute to the fund, ensuring that more students can benefit from it and gain valuable experience through their attendance at conferences and meetings.
I am eager to hear your thoughts and suggestions regarding this initiative. Your support means a lot to our students, helping them expand their horizons and foster academic growth.
Thanks and be powerful.

Katayoon (Katie) Dehesh
Director, Institute for Integrative Genome Biology, Distinguished Professor
Ernst and Helen Leibacher Endowed Chair in Botany and Plant Sciences
University of California, Riverside, CA 92521
Phone: (951) 827-6370;  Fax: (951) 827-5155

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