[IIGB_All] Our friend and colleague Xuemei

Katayoon Dehesh katayoon.dehesh at ucr.edu
Mon Feb 20 11:49:55 PST 2023

Greetings all,

With much sadness I am writing to inform you that our esteemed colleague Xuemei Chen has accepted an endowed professorship position, together with the Deanship of the Biological Sciences at Peking University starting this July.

Throughout her profession, Xuemei has been recognized  by many prominent institutions, including HHMI and the U.S. National academy,  recognitions based on the sheer power of her science and NOT political maneuvering.  Yet despite all these awards she has remained modest, and generous with her time and efforts, as exemplified by the courses she has developed, research instruments she has brought to IIGB and the core facility, programs she has chaired, and, last but not least, her acceptance of the leadership of IIGB during my recent sabbatical.
 She is a true gem, that decorated the crown of IIGB and UCR for seventeen years.  Her departure leaves an immense vacuum behind.  However, I am hopeful that her departure will open new channels of interaction between Peking university and UCR.

We will plan for a gathering to celebrate her before her departure.  She is currently not in the country but I will find an agreeable time for us to collectively acknowledge her, her achievements and to express thanks for her selfless efforts for improving science in our community.

Please join me in congratulating her for yet another prominent recognition, and wish her all the best and much power.

Be powerful,


Katayoon (Katie) Dehesh
Director, Institute for Integrative Genome Biology, Distinguished Professor
Ernst and Helen Leibacher Endowed Chair in Botany and Plant Sciences
University of California, Riverside, CA 92521
Phone: (951) 827-6370;  Fax: (951) 827-5155

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