[IIGB_All] Plant Based Friday

Julia Bailey-Serres serres at ucr.edu
Mon Jan 10 19:44:27 PST 2022

Dear Plants3D Trainees and Community, 

You are cordially invited to the first Plants3D “2nd Friday noon Seminar” of 2022. 

Noon Friday 1/14 via this Zoom Link <https://ucr.zoom.us/j/96328864096?pwd=VG1ERE41eGZXc05tWW9CaFZ6Y2U4dz09>; Open discussion to follow for grad students

Ricardo San Martin
Research Director of the UC Berkeley Sutardjia Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology, College of Engineering
Two recent Sutardjia Center program Graduates, originators of Sundial Foods

 UC Berkeley’s Entrepreneurial Program on Plant Based Foods  
(the UCB “alt food program”)

The Sutardjia Plant Based Foods program is a unique experience where students learn about food chemistry, product design, and entrepreneurship at the same time. Students will form startup teams to design and create a plant-based food product prototype. The program collaborates with companies in the plant-based food industry to understand the state-of-the-art of designing plant-based food products. Past collaborators have included industry leaders such as Givaudan, Nestle, Merck, Miyoko, Mantiqueira, Department of Defense, Caribou Biosciences, Thimus and others.

Ruth (Jean Ae) Kim, Plants3D Trainee from Meng Chen’s group.

Please share this email with interested individuals. 

Dr. Julia Bailey-Serres | Director, Center for Plant Cell Biology (CEPCEB <https://cepceb.ucr.edu/>) | Director, NSF Plants3D NRT <https://plants3d.ucr.edu/>  | Institute of Integrative Genome Biology <https://iigb.ucr.edu/> | UC MacArthur Foundation Chair | Distinguished Professor of Genetics | Botany and Plant Sciences <https://plantbiology.ucr.edu/> | 4119 Genomics Building | University of California | Riverside, CA 92521 | office: 951-827-3738 | fax: 951-827-4437 
Bailey-Serres Group <https://www.baileyserreslab.org/> & Plasticity Project <https://sites.google.com/ucr.edu/plasticityproject/>
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