[IIGB_All] IIGB seminars

Dominica Adriana Albitre dominica.albitre at ucr.edu
Wed Feb 16 12:09:34 PST 2022

Dear IIGB faculty, postdocs, and students,

We have several seminar slots open in the IIGB seminar series in the Spring quarter. The available dates are:

April 1, 8, 15, 29
May 6, 20, 27
June 3, 17

If you have a speaker in mind, please provide the contact information to IIGB Admin and we can assist with invites and scheduling. Both in-person and virtual seminars are fine. We particularly encourage postdocs and students to host seminar speakers as a way of networking.

Best regards,

Xuemei Chen
Department of Botany and Plant Sciences
Interim Director, IIGB
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521

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