[IIGB_All] Lottery funds for a cutting edge technology

Katayoon Dehesh katayoon.dehesh at ucr.edu
Sat Aug 13 12:37:29 PDT 2022

Greetings all;

I am writing to share with our latest activities towards enhancing UCR capabilities in the area of single cell metabolomics/proteomics.

We have recently learned about the newest dual purpose mass spec, capable of performing metabolomics as well as proteomics at such a high resolution sufficient and optimal for a single cell analyses.

In the attached file, I am sharing with you the cover letter sent to the dean's office for consideration for the purchase of this instrument in part by lottery funds and in part by the remaining of my initial offer funds that was saved specifically for times such as this.

This attached document is only the cover letter, however I will be happy to share the entire  package containing a brief as well as a detailed description of the instrument and budget etc.

The instrument is NOT released yet, so it will be the first of such high power capabilities.  I am certain that this addition will empower many of our faculty.

Please contact the dean's office with your active voice if you determine the usefulness of this capability for your research and teaching activities.  As said, I am more than happy to share the entire document if you like.

Be powerful and stay tunned.

Katayoon (Katie) Dehesh
Director, Institute for Integrative Genome Biology, Distinguished Professor
Ernst and Helen Leibacher Endowed Chair in Botany and Plant Sciences
University of California, Riverside, CA 92521
Phone: (951) 827-6370;  Fax: (951) 827-5155

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