[IIGB_All] FW: Reminder: CEPCEB Annual Awards and Distinguished Noel T. Keen Lecture by Krishna Niyogi - Tomorrow

IIGBadmin iigbadmin at ucr.edu
Fri Dec 10 15:18:03 PST 2021

For those of you unable to attend our Symposium today at 3:30 pm, you may view the event online with this link<https://ucr.zoom.us/j/96328864096?pwd=VG1ERE41eGZXc05tWW9CaFZ6Y2U4dz09>.

2021 CEPCEB Awards Ceremony and Distinguished Noel T. Keen Lecture

Dr. Krishna Niyogi

Department of Plant & Microbial Biology
HHMI, University of California, Berkeley

"Understanding and altering photoprotection to improve crop productivity"

Friday, December 10 - Genomics Auditorium

Refreshments: 3:00 pm

Awards and Seminar: 3:30-5:00 pm

Evening reception featuring appetizers and special deserts baked by Mien van de Ven:  5:00-7:00 pm*

* Please consider donating a bottle of wine or some beer for the event. Thank you in advance. Your donation can be given to Jennifer Douglas or Carmen McCree in the Genomics office (Genomics 1206) between 8:00 am - 4:30 pm.


Dr. Julia Bailey-Serres | Director, Center for Plant Cell Biology (CEPCEB<https://cepceb.ucr.edu/>) | Director, NSF Plants3D NRT<https://plants3d.ucr.edu/>  | Institute of Integrative Genome Biology<https://iigb.ucr.edu/> | UC MacArthur Foundation Chair | Distinguished Professor of Genetics | Botany and Plant Sciences<https://plantbiology.ucr.edu/> | 4119 Genomics Building | University of California | Riverside, CA 92521 | office: 951-827-3738 | fax: 951-827-4437
Bailey-Serres Group<https://www.baileyserreslab.org/> & Plasticity Project<https://sites.google.com/ucr.edu/plasticityproject/>

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