[IIGB_All] The Plant Genome Course Seeks additional Students for Winter

Julia Bailey-Serres serres at ucr.edu
Wed Dec 8 10:18:19 PST 2021

Dear Colleagues, 

“The Plant Genome” (BPSC/BCH231) has low enrollment for Winter Quarter. We are seeking additional graduate students for the course. We will consider undergraduates who meet the prerequisites. We will also accept auditors, especially those who would agree to participate in the Discussion presentations, if needed to obtain the desired enrollment of 9-10 students. 

The Plant Genome is 4 units. It covers plant genomes, their evolution, mechanisms of epigenetic, transcriptional, post-transcriptional and post-translational gene regulation, as well as a survey of the same in plastids and mitochondria. The lectures provide a rich source of historical and current information of enduring value. The course emphasizes genomic methodologies and hypothesis driven experimentation. 

Instructors: Dan Koenig, Dawn Nagel and Julia Bailey-Serres
MWF 11-12 (lecture), W 12-1 (discussion)

Prerequisites: undergraduate Molecular Biology (i.e., BIO107A/BCH110C) and an introductory plant biology course. There is some flexibility in these requirements. 

Please share this email with potentially interested graduate students and postdocs. 

Thank you, 


Dr. Julia Bailey-Serres | Director, Center for Plant Cell Biology (CEPCEB <https://cepceb.ucr.edu/>) | Director, NSF Plants3D NRT <https://plants3d.ucr.edu/>  | Institute of Integrative Genome Biology <https://iigb.ucr.edu/> | UC MacArthur Foundation Chair | Distinguished Professor of Genetics | Botany and Plant Sciences <https://plantbiology.ucr.edu/> | 4119 Genomics Building | University of California | Riverside, CA 92521 | office: 951-827-3738 | fax: 951-827-4437 
Bailey-Serres Group <https://www.baileyserreslab.org/> & Plasticity Project <https://sites.google.com/ucr.edu/plasticityproject/>
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