[Hrtrainingnews] WEBINAR: Addressing Employee Performance Issues in a Supportive Way

Hrtrainingcontacts hrtrainingcontacts at ucr.edu
Thu Mar 30 11:21:34 PDT 2023


ComPsych® GuidanceTalksSM
Webinar Series for HR/Benefits Professionals

Upcoming Webinars

Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace
Monday, May 22, 2023 at Noon CT
Psychological safety is the belief that it’s OK to take interpersonal risks without fear of undue consequences. In a psychologically safe environment, people are more likely to speak up when they see their team or organization heading down the wrong path. They’re more likely to brainstorm and experiment in ways that help teams innovate, and they’re less likely to go along with risky behaviors that create an unsafe workplace. Psychological safety allows a person to be themselves, which strengthens morale, sense of belonging, and employee retention. In this session, ComPsych Vice President of Learning & Organizational Excellence Kenny Zuckerberg will discuss how leaders can foster a psychologically safe environment, and explore why people may feel psychologically unsafe without their leaders even realizing it, all followed by live Q&A.

This training will help you:
• Define the elements of psychological safety
• Explain why psychological safety is so important in the workplace
• Assess how psychologically safe (or unsafe) your team or organization is today
• Describe tangible actions you can take to foster a psychologically safe environment

Ken Zuckerberg, Vice President of Learning & Organizational Excellence, ComPsych

Have a question or topic you would like us to cover during this or a future session? Please send to webinars at compsych.com<mailto:webinars at compsych.com>.


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