[Hrtrainingnews] ComPsych: Upcoming Webinar - Preventing Employee Burnout

Hrtrainingcontacts hrtrainingcontacts at ucr.edu
Tue Aug 23 16:19:45 PDT 2022


ComPsych® GuidanceTalksSM
Webinar Series for HR/Benefits Professionals

Upcoming Webinar

Preventing Employee Burnout

Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at Noon CT

Burnout is a growing concern for many employers, as it can impact morale, employee retention, work productivity and more. In this session, we describe the signals that leaders can watch for and introduce strategies to help them prevent burnout from impacting the workforce.

This training will help you:
• Describe factors that increase the likelihood that burnout will become a problem
• Identify signals that indicate an employee may be starting to feel burnt out
• Create a work environment that makes burnout less likely
• Initiate productive conversations with employees who are showing signs of burnout

Have a question or topic you would like us to cover during this or a future session? Please send to webinars at compsych.com<mailto:webinars at compsych.com>.


Past Webinars<https://t.e2ma.net/click/mp3xnf/en4ed1ci/erfqwv>


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