[Hrtrainingnews] Professional Development Monthly - April/May 2022

Jorge Sanchez jorge.sanchez at ucr.edu
Tue Apr 5 06:17:27 PDT 2022

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April/May 2022
Featured Training
New Course! Franklin Covey's Multipliers
How the Best Leaders Ignite Everyone's Intelligence
Tuesday, May 3 - Thursday, May 5, 2022
Learn how to be the kind of leader who brings out the best in people, a leader who expects great things from those they work with, and who drives them to achieve extraordinary results. Topics include Look for Genius, Offer Bigger Challenges, and more. To register, please visit the UC Learning Center (UCLC)<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D496996%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>.
Franklin Covey's Unconscious Bias: Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential
May 10 - 11, 2022 | 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Unconscious biases are how our brains compensate for overload which can inhibit performance and lead to poor decision-making. Franklin Covey's Unconscious Bias will teach you how to be aware of and address biases so you and your team can thrive, increasing performance and engagement. To register for this course, please visit the UC Learning Center (UCLC)<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D505058%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>.
Franklin Covey's 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team
May 24 - 26, 2022 | 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Discover how to empower your team members by holding a coaching mindset, giving effective feedback, and applying key coaching skills in a compelling framework. This 2-day workshop will equip you with the skills and tools you need to be an even better leader and manager of your team. To register for this course, please visit the UC Learning Center (UCLC)<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D496956%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>.
New Courses! Transferable Skills Library
A world of resources to enhance your skills
Developed by UCR's Human Resources Employee and Organizational Development (EOD) team, the Transferable Skill Library (TSL) features the most popular on-demand courses from LinkedIn Learning, resources from Jhana - an online manager reference tool, and now dozens of new courses offered through the UC Learning Center. To view these resources, visit the Transferable Skill Library webpage<https://hr.ucr.edu/employee-and-organizational-development/transferable-skills-library>.

Upcoming Programs and Classes

EOD Programs, Courses and Classes
Note: a late session admission, 30 minutes after the course has begun, will not be given course credit and may incur program/no-show fees.
Course Title/Descriptions
Registration Link
Franklin Covey's Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Ignite Everyone's Intelligence
Learn how to be the kind of leader who brings out the best in people, a leader who expects great things from those they work with, and who drives them to achieve extraordinary results.
Registration Deadline: April 26, 2022
Franklin Covey's Unconscious Bias: Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential
Registration Deadline: May 2, 2022

Franklin Covey's 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team

Discover how to empower your team members by holding a coaching mindset, giving effective feedback, and applying key coaching skills in a compelling framework. This 2-day workshop will equip you with the skills and tools you need to be an even better leader and manager of your team.

Registration Deadline: May 16, 2022
ComPsych - 2022 Personal Development/Work-Life Topics
Our partnership with ComPsych enables us to offer learning and personal enrichment opportunities throughout the year. The following workshops are offered at no cost:
Workshop Topic
Campus Coordinator
Registration Link
Reinventing Yourself
1-2:00 p.m.
Lela Dennis
Secrets to Self-Motivation
1-2:00 p.m.
Lela Dennis
Giving Effective Feedback in Personal and Work Situations
1-2:00 p.m.
Lela Dennis
Where Are You Going? Goal Setting for Personal and Professional Success
1-2:00 p.m.
Lela Dennis
ComPsych - Faculty & Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) Orientation Videos
Workshop Topic
Campus Coordinator
Registration Link
Faculty Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) Orientation
11:00 a.m.-
12:00 p.m.
Lela Dennis
Faculty Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) Manager/Supervisor Orientation
11:00 a.m.-
12:00 p.m.
Lela Dennis
If you missed any of the FSAP Orientations, be sure to click on either of the following links to view the orientation videos in the UC Learning Center (UCLC):
*        FSAP Orientation<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D433635%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>
*        FSAP Manager/Supervisor Orientation<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D433636%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>
For questions, please contact Employee & Organizational Development (EOD) at HRTrainingContacts at ucr.edu<mailto:HRTrainingContacts at ucr.edu>.

UC Learning Center Corner
Log in at https://ucrlearning.ucr.edu/.
New! eCourse: HRMS Contract Out - All Roles<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D509445%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>
This course provides a training demonstration of the Human Resources Management System (HRMS) Contract Out Module from initiation to completion for all roles involved in the contracting out process. The Contract Out Module replaces the current paper form and process and is UCR's new online repository of contract out requests. This training demonstration includes the following HRMS contract out actions: Initiate, edit, check out, add comments and attachments, approve/deny, and search Contract Out requests.
For more information about the UCR Contract Out process, please visit the Outsourcing for Covered Services webpage.<https://hr.ucr.edu/talent-acquisition/outsourcing-covered-services>
Browser Compatibility - Internet Explorer no longer supported
Microsoft will officially sunset Internet Explorer (IE11) on June 15, 2022.
If you have been using IE11 to access the UC Learning Center you will need to select a different browser. The UC Learning Center generally supports the most current and the previous two versions of the following browsers:

*        Chrome

*        Edge

*        Firefox

*        Safari (though we currently advise those on Mac devices to use Firefox or Chrome)
Recommended Settings for All Browsers

*        Pop-Ups allowed

*        Cookies enabled

*        Java Script Enabled

*        Java may be required for certain online courses
Additional Device Requirements: Devices must have a screen resolution of at least 1024x768.
Detailed specifications, such as recommended settings by browser, are available on our UC Learning Center (UCLC) support site at https://ucrlearning.ucr.edu/.
COVID19 Resource Center
Changes to COVID Screening Check
The Daily Wellness Check has changed to the COVID Screening Check<http://screeningcheck.ucr.edu/>. Moving forward UC Riverside students, employees and visitors are required to fill out the COVID Screening Check to report:

*        A positive COVID-19 test result

*        COVID-19 symptoms (symptoms from a known or chronic condition such as allergies, asthma, etc. are not considered COVID-19 symptoms for this report)

*        Exposure to someone who tested positive for COVID-19 (exposure is defined as close contact with a known positive person for more than 15 minutes in a 24-hour period)

*        Completion of your required COVID test
For more information, please view the COVID-19 Digest<https://insideucr.ucr.edu/stories/2022/03/28/covid-19-digest-week-march-28?utm_source=Inside+UCR+Weekly+Test&utm_campaign=bd73ef4161-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2022_03_29_05_24&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_e039f36024-bd73ef4161-92866107>.
COVID 19 Town Hall
Wednesday, April 6, 2022 | 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Attend a virtual Town Hall meeting on COVID-19 updates, including information on: face masks, screening check, testing and more.
Dial-in Information: https://ucr.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ue2Xt7g5Q5WCZnNRtn8tKA
Working Remotely / Return to Campus - Helpful Links
Working in a hybrid environment:
*        Return to Campus<https://campusreturn.ucr.edu/>
*        Daily Wellness Check Survey<https://ehs.ucr.edu/coronavirus/symptoms-tool>
*        Face Covering Policy<https://humanresources.ucr.edu/ucr-face-covering-policy>
*        Return-to-Work Parking Information<https://transportation.ucr.edu/rtw>
*        Remote Work /Telecommuting Agreement<https://heretohelp.ucr.edu/document/work-life-form-telecommuting-agreement>
*        Coronavirus (COVID-19)<https://hr.ucr.edu/front/coronavirus-covid-19-hr-information-and-resources>
Coronavirus (COVID-19) - HR Information and Resources
For the latest information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID19); review the following LinkedIn Learning topics:
*        What's Next - Reinventing Work in the New Norma<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/what-s-next-reinventing-work-in-the-new-normal/what-s-next-managing-flexibly-with-remote-hybrid-teams>l
*        Change Management Foundations<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/change-management-foundations-10041380/change-management-foundations-course-overview?autoAdvance=true&autoSkip=false&autoplay=true&resume=true&u=26135898>
o   Managing Organizational Change for Managers<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/managing-organizational-change-for-managers/welcome?autoAdvance=true&autoSkip=false&autoplay=true&resume=true&u=26135898>
*        Change Management Tips for Individuals<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/change-management-tips-for-individuals/change-is-inevitable?autoAdvance=true&autoSkip=false&autoplay=true&resume=true&u=26135898>
*        Improve Your Hybrid Workforce Skills<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/paths/improve-your-hybrid-workforce-skills?shareId=726240f4-4e0c-4f9c-aea7-3999c8b931a4&accountId=26135898&u=26135898&success=true&authUUID=32vXJF3cQsSnsBVTHNg7Vw%3D%3D>
o   Supporting Your Team as Offices Reopen<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/paths/supporting-your-team-as-offices-reopen?shareId=f9237c05-0f96-47d1-9d77-1f91dba7cb57&accountId=26135898&u=26135898&success=true&authUUID=UE9FsAXFSc2BzkAt74MUIQ%3D%3D>

Campus Spotlight
Benefits Corner - Health Net Wellness Webinar Series
Learn Healthy Ways to Live Your Best: Join us free wellness webinars in 2022: You can join the monthly webinars by visiting http://www.healthnet.com/ > Health & Wellness > Health Net Wellness Webinar Series<https://www.healthnet.com/content/healthnet/en_us/health-and-wellness/events.html>. Once you sign up, you'll get an email before each session with the topic, date and time so you can adjust your schedule.
Sleep Well and Live Fully Awake
Wednesday, April 20, 2022 | 12:00 - 12:45 p.m.
In this webinar we'll learn:
     *        The importance of sleep
     *        Common sleep disorders
     *        The benefits of sleep
     *        Sleep and its impact on our health
     *        Identify what might be keeping you up
     *        Helpful tips on how to get those Zzzz's
To attend this free workshop, please register at the Sleep Well and Live Fully Awake registration webpage<https://centene.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_wbuH30GeS-OfF5tc9oN_DA>.
ComPsych(r) GuidanceTalksSM
Support in an Uncertain World: What Your Employees Need Today
Thursday, April 14, 2022 | 12:00 p.m.
>From an ever-changing pandemic environment to the worsening crisis in Ukraine, uncertainty and stress are at an all-time high. Meanwhile, day-to-day challenges persist, from physical and mental health to rising costs and safety concerns. Now, more than ever, organizations need to approach employee support simply and holistically, while also embracing opportunities to demonstrate their corporate resiliency.
In this session, ComPsych Executive Vice President Dale Grenolds and Aon Assistant Vice President - Health Transformation Denise Heybrock will discuss post-pandemic priorities, macro well-being issues, and emerging trends that need to be addressed by organizations, and identify optimal ways to support and deliver care for employees and their families during these unprecedented times.
To attend this workshop, please register at the ComPsych webinar registration webpage<https://compsych.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-fTIE-DMQx6cZLlp5NOT1A>.
For questions or topics you would like ComPsych to cover during this or a future session, please contact webinars at compsych.com<mailto:webinars at compsych.com>.

Need training now? Visit LinkedIn Learning, via R'Space<https://auth.ucr.edu/cas/login?service=https%3A%2F%2Fportal.ucr.edu%2FuPortal%2FLogin>,
and take advantage of curated collections.
Get to Know the Employee and Organizational Development (EOD) Team<https://hr.ucr.edu/eod-team-members>.
Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM 50) - Professional Development<https://hr.ucr.edu/document/ppsm50-professional-development>.
Most enrollments are conducted through the UC Learning Center<https://ucrlearning.ucr.edu/>.

Need assistance with course fees? Apply for a Staff Assembly Professional
Development Scholarship. Visit their website for more information: https://staffassembly.ucr.edu/scholarships.

Missed an issue of the Professional Development Monthly?
Visit the Professional Development Monthly webpage<https://hr.ucr.edu/employee-and-organizational-development/professional-development-monthly>.

To subscribe (opt-in) to the Professional Development Monthly,
register in the Hrtrainingnews listserv<http://lists.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/hrtrainingnews>.
For questions, please contact Employee & Organizational
Development (EOD) at HRTrainingContacts at ucr.edu<mailto:HRTrainingContacts at ucr.edu>.

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