[Hrtrainingnews] Professional Development Monthly - October 2020

Jorge Sanchez jorge.sanchez at ucr.edu
Thu Oct 1 09:45:12 PDT 2020

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October 2020

New Faculty Staff Assistance Program Provider

The University of California, Riverside is pleased to announce that it has collaborated with ComPsych(r), the new Faculty & Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) provider. ComPsych will provide GuidanceResources(r) services whose benefits will provide UCR faculty, staff and their household family members confidential support, resources and information for personal and work-life issues. For more information, please visit the UCR Faculty Staff Assistance Program webpage<https://hr.ucr.edu/employee-resources/faculty-and-staff-assistance-program>.

Employee and Organizational Development (EOD) is also collaborating with ComPysch to offer no-cost, 60-minute Zoom workshops every month in the areas of:

         *         Personal Development/Work-Life

         *         Parenting

         *         Older Adult Care

         *         Personal Development

         *         Resilience

         *         Legal and Financial

         *         Behavioral Health and Wellness

         *         Family and Relationships
Upcoming Programs and Classes
ComPsych - 2020 Personal Development/Work-Life Topics
Our partnership with Compsych will enable us to offer learning and personal enrichment opportunities throughout the year. The following workshops are offered this October:
How to Be More Engaged at Work
1-2:00 p.m.
No cost
Lela Dennis
How to Be More...Link<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2fmanagement%2fLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3fActivityId%3d-411839%26UserMode%3d0%22Link%22&domain=14>
Emotional Intelligence
1-2:00 p.m.
No cost
Lela Dennis
Emotional Intelligence Link<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D411858%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>
Building Trust
1-2:00 p.m.
No cost
Lela Dennis
Building Trust Link<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D408842%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>
Staying Engaged and Advancing Your Career as a Remote Employee
1-2:00 p.m.
No cost
Lela Dennis
Staying Engaged...Link<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D411860%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>
Caring from a Distance
1-2:00 p.m.
No cost
Lela Dennis
Caring from a Distance Link<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D411862%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>
Laughter, Humor and Play to Reduce Stress and Solve Problems
1-2:00 p.m.
No cost
Lela Dennis
Laughter, Humor...Link<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D411863%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>
Loneliness and Social Isolation in Today's World
1-2:00 p.m.
No cost
Lela Dennis
Loneliness and...Link<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D411864%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>
The Five Pillars of Personal Finance
1-2:00 p.m.
No cost
Lela Dennis
The Five Pillars...Link<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D411865%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>
If you have questions, please contact Employee & Organizational Development at HRTrainingContacts at ucr.edu<mailto:HRTrainingContacts at ucr.edu>.
EOD Programs, Courses and Classes
Course Title
Eliminating Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB)
Eliminating harassment, intimidation and bullying
No Cost
HIB course link<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D404698%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>
Franklin Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Timeless principles of effectiveness
FC 7 Habits...<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D200917%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>
Franklin Covey's Leading at the Speed of Trust
Develop, restore and extend trust

FC Speed of Trust...<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D316522%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>
Franklin Covey's 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team
Empowering your team
FC 6 critical...<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D338076%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>
Franklin Covey's 4 Essential Roles of Leadership
Inspire trust, create vision, execute strategy and coach potential
FC 4 Essential roles...<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D339826%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>
If you have questions, please contact Employee & Organizational Development at HRTrainingContacts at ucr.edu<mailto:HRTrainingContacts at ucr.edu>.

LinkedIn Learning on Demand Courses


           *         How to be an Adaptable Employee During Change and Uncertainty<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/how-to-be-adaptable-as-an-employee>

           *         Building Resilience<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/building-resilience>

Courses Tailored for Today's Unique Working Environment

           *         Communicating in Times of Change<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/communicating-in-times-of-change?u=104>

           *         Creating a Culture of Change<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/creating-a-culture-of-change?u=104>

Evergreen Courses Addressing Challenges in Today's Working Environment

           *         Balancing Work and Life <https://www.linkedin.com/learning/balancing-work-and-life?u=104>

           *         Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging<https://www.linkedin.com/learning/diversity-inclusion-and-belonging-2/dibs-an-introduction?u=104>

Change to LMS Access for Contingent Workers
Contingent workers (CWRs)<https://fboapps.ucr.edu/policies/index.php?path=viewPolicies.php&policy=650-85> will now be able to log in directly to the UC Learning Center learning management system (LMS). However, before they may do so, hiring departments will need to take one additional step during the onboarding process to facilitate access, depending on the CWR's student status.
This change supports the COVID-19 Prevention training, which the campus must track and enforce for volunteers as well as employees, by ensuring CWRs can access their profiles in the LMS where they are assigned this training, resulting in more accurate compliance records.
This information is available in the Access<https://ucrlearninghelp.ucr.edu/access-roles> section of the LMS support website, where you may also download the new UC Learning Center LMS Access Matrix for Departments<https://ucrlearninghelp.ucr.edu/document/uc-learning-center-lms-access-matrix-departments>.
For existing CWRs who previously used the UC Affiliate Access Tool to create an affiliate profile in the LMS; that affiliate profile is secondary to their employee profile (generated by UCPath) where they are assigned the COVID-19 Prevention training. Departments will need to take the above steps to ensure access to the employee profile and then contact ucrlearning at ucr.edu<mailto:ucrlearning at ucr.edu> to have the affiliate training records merged under the employee profile so that the CWR has a single training record in the LMS.
If you have questions, please contact ucrlearning at ucr.edu<mailto:ucrlearning at ucr.edu>.

UCLC: Advanced Reporting for Managers

Managers<https://ucrlearninghelp.ucr.edu/access-roles#manager> and Learning Coordinators<https://ucrlearninghelp.ucr.edu/access-roles#learning_coordinator> are able to pull attendance, compliance and activity recharge reports from the UC Learning Center learning management system (LMS) for their direct reports and managed users. These reports can help with tracking team training compliance across all assigned activities, attendance in professional development activities to meet IDP goals, or to confirm costs and payment details for attended activities.

Find basic instructions in our online Manager Guide<https://ucrlearninghelp.ucr.edu/manager-guide#reporting>, including a downloadable Manager's Guide to Advanced Reporting<http://ucrlearninghelp.ucr.acsitefactory.com/sites/g/files/rcwecm1361/files/2019-04/Manager%20Report%20Guide.pdf> with more detailed information.

TIP: Learners may add Self-Reported Training<https://ucrlearninghelp.ucr.edu/learner-guide#srt> to the LMS so that it appears on their transcripts, and in attendance reports that include the Self-Reported Training activity type.

UC Systemwide People Management Series and Certificate

The UC Systemwide People Management Series and Certificate is a program for all People Managers and aspiring managers. The program consists of Core and Elective Courses, which include local and systemwide programs and eCourses, as well as in-person learning. For more information, visit the UC People Management Series and Certificate<https://hr.ucr.edu/employee-and-organizational-development/leadership-skills-development/people-management-certificate> webpage.

Program cost: no charge

Staff Assembly Lunch & Learn
Strategies for Pursuing Professional Advancement at UCR

Pursuing Professional Advancement at UCR<https://uc.sumtotal.host/Core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=core%2Factivitydetails%2FViewActivityDetails%3FActivityId%3D411846%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14> will emphasize the importance of positional expertise, soft skills, involvement and networking, and differentiating oneself in positive ways when pursuing professional advancement on campus.

Speaker: Aaron Bushong, University Honors Administrative Director

EOD 2020-21 Course Catalog

The Employee & Organizational Development (EOD) 2020-21 Course Catalog<https://humanresources.ucr.edu/document/eod-course-catalog-2020-21> offers tools and resources to help you succeed and excel in your professional role at UCR through engaged learning and focused customer service.

Campus Spotlight

ComPysch - Faculty Staff Assistance Program Orientation

FSAP Manager/Supervisor Orientation
Thursday, October 22 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

The goal of this session is to educate you about the program and to help you view the program as a tool for supporting your employees. Join us to find out more about this great benefit! To register for this orientation, please visit the UCLearning Center (LMS)<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D411908%26UserMode%3D0&DOMAIN=14>.

FSAP Orientation
Wednesday, October 21 | 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

The goal of this session is to familiarize you with all of the great resources that are available to you and your household family members through GuidanceResources, the new Faculty & Staff Assistance Program, brought to you by ComPsych. Join us to find out more about this great benefit! To register for this orientation, please visit the UC Learning Center (LMS)<https://uc.sumtotal.host/core/pillarRedirect?relyingParty=LM&url=app%2Fmanagement%2FLMS_ActDetails.aspx%3FActivityId%3D411904%26UserMode%3D0&domain=14>.

Staff Assembly Lunch & Learn

Coping, Parenting and Quarantine
Wednesday, October 14 | 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Hear from UCR psychologists and UCR parents who will discuss the challenges of raising children during the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information, visit Staff Assembly Lunch & Learn: Coping, Parenting and Quarantine<https://events.ucr.edu/event/lunch_learn_coping_parenting_and_quarantine?utm_campaign=widget&utm_medium=widget&utm_source=UC+Riverside#.X3Iwjed7lPY>.

Need training now? Visit LinkedIn Learning, via R'Space<http://www.rspace.ucr.edu/>,
and take advantage of curated collections
Most enrollments are conducted through the UC Learning Center<http://www.ucrlearning.ucr.edu>.

Need assistance with course fees? Apply for a Staff Assembly Professional
Development Scholarship. Visit their website for more information: https://staffassembly.ucr.edu/scholarships.
If you should have any questions, please contact Employee & Organizational
Development at HRTrainingContacts at ucr.edu<mailto:HRTrainingContacts at ucr.edu>.

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