[Gradstudents] Research Participation

Heather Killeen heather.killeen at ucr.edu
Tue Mar 8 12:08:25 PST 2022

Call for dissertation research participation:

Project: Measuring Intervention Quality in Consultation Research: The Brief Measure of Intervention Quality (BMIQ)

Principal Investigators: Wesley Sims, Ph.D., NCSP & Rondy Yu, Ph.D., BCBA, NCSP

Sponsor: School of Education University of California, Riverside

LINK TO ONLINE CONSENT FORM<https://ucriverside.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1NAfxUk8w3rlmtg>


You are invited to participate in this research because you are an undergraduate or graduate student studying or in-service professional in the fields of education, psychology, applied behavior analysis, and/or school psychology that is over the age of 18. The purpose of this study is to develop the Brief Measure of Intervention Quality (BMIQ) as well as to evaluate preliminary reliability and validity evidence of the BMIQ.

The Brief Measure of Intervention Quality (BMIQ) is designed as a measure of the quality of consultation process derived interventions. To date, within consultation research, no mechanisms have been employed to evaluate intervention quality across participants, or those receiving support services as part of the consultation processes. Subsequently, by measuring intervention quality, researchers can ensure equity and control for intervention quality across participants. This study will investigate the ability of the BMIQ to evaluate the quality of interventions designed or selected within a consultative process. That is, this study will aid in the development, refinement, and validation of the BMIQ. The primary focus of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness of the BMIQ for evaluating intervention quality and this will be accomplished by comparing ratings of trained utilizers of the measure.

Specific research questions include:
·         Does the BMIQ assess all aspects of intervention quality?
·         Does the BMIQ display acceptable levels of convergent and divergent validity?
·         Will the BMIQ display acceptable levels of agreement (i.e., inter-rater reliability) across multiple raters?
·         Is the BMIQ perceived as usable by study participants?

What will I be asked to do? What are the project procedures?

If you choose to participate in this project, you will be asked to provide some general information about yourself. You will be asked to provide information about your level of education, professional development and training, teaching experiences, certifications, and other demographic information. You will be asked to participate in training for the use of the BMIQ. You will then be asked to use the BMIQ to evaluate research team provided behavior intervention plans. Study activities, including brief training on BMIQ use and completing behavioral plan evaluations will occur virtually (i.e., Qualtrics). Following completion of research activities, you will be asked to provide information about your experiences during study activities. This information will be obtained using a brief survey. Your participation in study activities will require between 60 and 90 minutes.

What are the risks or inconveniences of the project?

The risks associated with participating in this project are minimal. Some minor inconveniences may be associated with completion of paperwork and surveys used in this project. It is also important to note that you may discontinue participation in project activities at any time, without penalty, for any reason.

What are the benefits of the project?

The result of this project will yield information supporting the development, refinement, and validation of the BMIQ. The BMIQ will allow consultation researchers to improve experimental control around the quality of interventions developed within the consultation process. This study seeks to investigate the ability of the BMIQ to evaluate the quality of interventions designed or selected within a consultative process. Study findings will improve the rigor of consultation research.

Are there costs to participate?

There are no monetary costs to you for participating in this project. Some minor time expenditures are associated with completion of paperwork and surveys used in this project as well as training and scheduling or conducting observations.

Will I receive payment for participation?

Participants will be entered into a raffle to win one of 20, $25 Amazon gift cards. Anyone may be entered into the raffle regardless of study participation. If you’d like to be entered into the drawing but not the research study, please contact Dr. Wesley Sims at wesleys at ucr.edu<mailto:wesleys at ucr.edu> or by providing your contact information using the link provided for the consent form.

How will my personal information/data be protected?

The following procedures will be used to protect the confidentiality of the data collected. All identifying information will be removed from observations and project protocols their use or collection and replaced with a subject number. The researchers will keep all project records (including any participant-participant number key) locked in a secure location. Participant demographic information and observation data will be labeled with a randomly generated subject number. A master key that links names and subject numbers will be maintained in a separate and secure location. The master key will be destroyed after 3 years. All electronic files (e.g., database, spreadsheet, etc.) containing identifiable information will be password protected. Any computer hosting such files will also have password protection to prevent access by unauthorized users. Only the members of the research staff will have access to passwords. At the conclusion of this project, researchers may publish their findings. Individual identifying information will not be used in any prepared manuscript. If individual participant information is presented (i.e., single subject analyses or data not presented in summary or aggregate format), pseudonyms will be used. Individual participant data collected in this project will not be reviewed by any school staff (e.g. administrator, teachers, etc.) at any time during the project.

The University of California-Riverside Institutional Review Board (IRB) and the Office of Research Compliance may inspect project records as part of its auditing program, but these reviews will only focus on the researchers and not on your involvement. The IRB is a group that reviews research studies to protect the rights and welfare of research participants.

Can I stop being in the project and what are my rights?

You may decline to participate in project activities. If you consent to participate in the project, but later change your mind, you may withdraw at any time. There are no penalties or consequences of any kind if you decide not to participate or for withdrawal from participation. If you elect to withdraw, unless specifically requested, data collected to that point may be used in data analyses. If you wish to have your information and data collected before your withdrawal excluded from analyses, you may make this request with the study’s principal investigator. Such requests will be granted upon request. However, if you elect to remove your data after the master key has been destroyed (three years after the completion of data collection), this will be impossible being as all data will have been deidentified. Additionally, requests to withdraw participant after publication cannot be honored. Finally, study researcher staff will notify you of all significant new findings during the course of the project that may affect your willingness to continue.

Whom do I contact if I have questions about the project?

Research personnel, including the principal investigator, welcome the opportunity to answer any question you have about this project. If you have further questions about this project or if you have a research-related problem, you may contact the principal investigator, Wesley Sims, Ph.D., NCSP (951-827-5582 or wesley.sims at ucr.edu<mailto:wesley.sims at ucr.edu>). Participant raters are welcome to ask questions at any time before, during, or after study activities have been complete. If you have any questions concerning your rights as a research participant, you may contact the University of California, Riverside Institutional Review Board (IRB) at 951-827-4802 during business hours or contact them by email at irb at ucr.edu<mailto:irb at ucr.edu>.

LINK TO ONLINE CONSENT FORM<https://ucriverside.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1NAfxUk8w3rlmtg>

LINK TO STUDY<https://ucriverside.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7X96YNjY41ABbJc>

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