[Geospatial] Geospatial/GIS meetup

Janet Reyes janet.reyes at ucr.edu
Thu May 26 09:54:02 PDT 2022

Hello everyone,

Our last Geospatial/GIS meetup for the academic year will be held on Thursday, June 9, from 12:00 - 12:50 pm.

This will be a hybrid meeting - for the first time since February 2020, we're going to have an in-person element! If you're willing and able, please join us in Rivera Library, Room 140. It's a large room with tables and chairs and plenty of space to spread out. To find it, turn to the right after entering the library. You'll see Room 140 on the corner of the hallway to your left just after you pass the elevators.

(The room is reserved until 1:30, to allow for any after-meetup chats :) )
Feel free to join by Zoom if that works better for you! I've requested tech support that hopefully will minimize any glitches. This session will be recorded.
At this meetup, I'll demonstrate free simple mapping tools that don't require knowledge of GIS.

*         Scribble Maps<https://www.scribblemaps.com/> has a free version that allows you to create shareable web maps that may include points, lines, and polygons.

*         Simple Mappr<https://www.simplemappr.net/> is suited for creating regional or global point maps for publications and presentations.

*         National Geographic MapMaker<https://mapmaker.nationalgeographic.org/> is a teacher's tool that provides several data layers. Users can add points, lines, and polygons on maps to share or export.

We'll also have time for announcements, discussion, and sharing map-related products you've created or that caught your eye.
Respond "yes" or "tentative" to this calendar invitation to receive the Zoom meeting information from me shortly before the meetup. (Another option: register through Eventbrite<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/geospatialgis-meetups-tickets-300286654467> to receive an automated email with the Zoom information.) I'll have a sign-in sheet for those who attend in person.
Feel free to forward this invitation.

Hope to see you there, on Zoom or in person!

-Janet Reyes
Geospatial Information Librarian
UCR Library

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