[Geospatial] Geospatial/GIS meetup

Janet Reyes janet.reyes at ucr.edu
Mon Nov 29 09:37:06 PST 2021

Hello everyone,

Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving break!

Our next Geospatial/GIS meetup will be on Thursday, December 9, from 12:00 - 12:50 pm.

At this meetup we'll have a discussion led by Joseph (Jay) Farago-Spencer on possible ways of using mapping platforms like Esri's in courses like English 1A, 1B, and other First Year courses. For instance, could tools like ArcGIS StoryMaps<https://www.esri.com/en-us/arcgis/products/arcgis-storymaps/overview> be used for multi-modal and multimedia assignments in First Year courses?

To gain a background on multimodal and multimedia approaches to teaching and learning, Jay suggests reviewing the following article:
Lauer, C. (2009). Contending with terms: "Multimodal" and "multimedia" in the academic and public spheres. Computers and Composition, 26(4), 225-239. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compcom.2009.09.001

Jay currently coordinates the Writing Support Program at UCR's Academic Resource Center where he has been working with undergraduate students in various disciplines assisting students in developing and refining their reading and writing strategies. He also teaches English 1 A for the Riverside Community College District at the Moreno Valley Campus.
Respond "yes" or "tentative" to this calendar invitation to receive the Zoom meeting information from me shortly before the meetup. (Another option: register through Eventbrite<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/geospatialgis-meetups-tickets-169417806219?aff=ebdsoporgprofile> to receive an Eventbrite email with the Zoom information.)
Please feel free to forward this invitation to anyone you know with an interest in the topic.
Hope to see you there!


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