[Gats_gender_sexuality] Research Cluster Notes

Farber, Reya rdfarber at wm.edu
Tue Jan 4 07:52:12 PST 2022

​Dear All,

I hope this email finds you well in the New Year.

If you are interested in sharing your work (ongoing and published) in a future newsletter to our Research Cluster or on our website, please send me a note: Reya Farber (rdfarber at wm.edu). Please also let me know if you have a call for papers, conferences, job positions, or any new developments that might be of interest to our group!

Additionally, I am collecting syllabi related to global/transnational gender and sexuality topics. If you would like to contribute a syllabus to share with our group members, please email me.

Lastly, if you would like to join a writing group within our Research Cluster, please complete this brief form: https://forms.gle/rki7UZzeV1WFkCqF8

I look forward to sharing and developing our work together!


Reya Farber

R. Farber
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
William & Mary
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