[Entm-researchstaff] Thank you and another party!

Thomas Perring perring at ucr.edu
Tue Jun 13 11:23:09 PDT 2023

I wanted to send a note of thanks for all of the good wishes, yummy
beverages, and kind notes in the cards from last Friday. I especially want
to thank our incredible office team for arranging the food and beverages,
and moving all the tables and other stuff around before and after the
event. It was really awesome to see some of our emeriti faculty mingling
with our departmental staff, students, and faculty.  I hope this starts a
tradition of an "end-of-year" celebration, giving our department a chance
to unwind a little bit after the rigors of the academic year.

Speaking of parties, before last Friday's party was envisioned, I had
planned to invite the department to the Getaway on June 30, my last
official day.  I would like to continue with that plan (I mean....more
parties is a good thing, right?), and invite you to the Getaway between 3
and 6 pm for beer, snacks and pizza.

Take a look at your calendar and let me know if you think you will come by
(please don't "cc to all"). I want to give Shawn (the owner) an idea of how
many to expect.  Spouses and kids are welcome.

Best wishes.


Thomas M. Perring, Ph.D.
Professor and Vice-Chair
Department of Entomology
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521, USA
(951) 827-4562
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