[Enscstudent] Room for rent in Canyon Crest area

Sandra Armengol Vall sarmengo at ucr.edu
Tue Jan 17 13:58:20 PST 2023

Hi All,

I am looking to sublease my bedroom starting in February until the lease
ends in September, when you can renew. The bedroom has remodeled floor, a
big window facing the garden, a desk, and plenty of storage. The rent is
$510 monthly plus utilities (typically around $75). The house has a washer,
dryer, garage, gas stove, garage, sunroom in the common area, and a lovely
backyard garden with avocado trees and veggies. The place is close to the
Canyon Crest shopping center and about a 20min walk/10min bike ride to the
UCR campus. Three UCR grad students and one former UCR undergrad student
are living in the house. Additionally, everyone in the house is fully
vaccinated against Covid-19.

If you'd like any more information/pictures, please feel free to contact me
at sarmengo at ucr.edu.

Thank you!

Dr. Sandra Armengol Vall

Phone: +1 (951) 573-2862
Environmental Sciences Department
University of California Riverside (UCR)
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