UWP Lecturers FW: Would you please forward this to UWP lecturer faculty listserv? Thank you

Teri Carter teri.carter at ucr.edu
Fri Aug 3 09:00:27 PDT 2012

FYI Only.

Teri A. Carter
Student Affairs
University Writing Program
University of California, Riverside
(951) 827-1453
(951) 827-7761 (fax)

From: Tina Feldmann
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2012 9:00 AM
To: Teri Carter
Cc: Anne Sullivan (anne.sullivan at email.ucr.edu)
Subject: Would you please forward this to UWP lecturer faculty listserv? Thank you

If you have some books that you'd like to donate to GSEA for their fall book sale (to make money for graduate students' mini-grants (for travel)) - I'm sure many of you remember those days, please either toss them on the pile of books in the hallway on the second floor (between Stan Stewart's office and the English lounge - you'll see the big pile of books), or make arrangements with our 2012-13 GSEA president, Anne Sullivan (her email is above) to donate them at a later time.

GSEA and graduate student volunteers are boxing up the books from the hallway & lounge this Tuesday.   If you have any boxes or books, please toss them on the pile in the hallway (by early Tuesday).

Your support is much appreciated.

I hope you're having a nice summer.

Thank you.

Tina Feldmann
Graduate Student Advisor
Department of English
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA  92521-0323
office: (951) 827-1454
FAX:   (951) 827-3967
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