UWP Lecturers Lecturer Rep Election

juliab at ucr.edu juliab at ucr.edu
Thu May 20 12:36:02 PDT 2010

Hello All,

As you know, there are currently three Lecturer positions on the Writing Program Committee: one is for the ELWR Associate Director (Linda Strahan), and the other two are elected from among Continuing Lecturers (post-six contracts) for two-year service periods. 

In order to maintain continuity during the development of the new program, Keith Vance and I both agreed to serve double terms, and now Keith's term is ending.  I know that we ALL thank him for his commitment to the program and the tremendous amount of work he has done during this transition period. THANK YOU, KEITH!

So now we must elect another Lecturer to fill that position for the regular two-year period. (It is likely that in the future we will be increasing our number to five Lecturers on the committee, but right now we need select only one to replace Keith.)

Because this UWP committee work can be time-consuming, Lecturer Representatives now receive an annual stipend of around $2800 (a percentage of actual salary. Members are expected to attend regular monthly meetings as well as any additional meetings that may be necessary in order to deal with special concerns or to meet campus deadlines. For the most part, we are dealing with either curriculum or personnel: 

1.) Because the program is still new, and because we must respond to budget issues, we are continuously developing new courses, new ways of helping students meet requirements, and new assessment tools.

2.)We are also responsible for maintaining the quality of instruction--reviewing Lecturer files for merit (post-six) and for renewals and recruits (pre-six), doing classroom observations, writing reports and letters, and perhaps working individually with instructors.


You may nominate either yourself or a colleague --or both. Please email me (or put in my mailbox) nominations by WEDNESDAY, MAY 25 so that I may confirm the list, and then we'll hold the actual election the following week.

If you have questions, please contact me.  My home phone is 909-793-4736.       


Julie Brett

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