UWP Lecturers Former graduate student - sad news

Traise Yamamoto traise.yamamoto at ucr.edu
Fri May 7 23:17:18 PDT 2010

Dear All,

I write with the sad news that a former graduate student in our department, Melinda Hsu, died 12 April 2010.  Circumstances are unclear, though her death was described as "sudden."  A memorial service will be held at Pacific Palisades Presbyterian Church, 15 May, at 4:00 pm   She was a longtime fan of the singer Morrissey, and he wrote a tribute to her, which you can find on the web.  

Traise Yamamoto
Associate Professor
McSweeny-McCauley Chair in Teaching Excellence
Co-Chair, LGBIT Program
Department of English
University of California
Riverside, CA 925021-0323
951.827.3967 (fax)

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