UWP Lecturers Lindon Barrett Memorial Lecture

Traise Yamamoto traise.yamamoto at ucr.edu
Fri Apr 16 13:52:25 PDT 2010

Hello Everyone (please distribute to any folks not on this list, which I've just put together off the top of my head):

Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, 2 June, 3:30-5:00, when Professor John Carlos Rowe will be here to give the first Lindon Barrett Memorial Lecture, henceforth to be known as "Lindon's Agora."  Professor Rowe has been in the process of gathering chapters and fragments of Lindon's book manuscript, editing it, and preparing it for publication.  He will be here to present some of the manuscript and to talk about the project overall.  Professor Rowe was extremely enthusiastic about coming to UCR to share Lindon's work, despite the fact that the process of working with the manuscript has been personally painful and emotionally difficult.  

A flyer and more information will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.  There will be a reception following Professor Rowe's presentation (events will be taking place in INTS 1128 and 1113).  I look forward to seeing you at Lindon's Agora to celebrate Lindon's work and to remember the wonderful friend and colleague whom so many of us actively miss every day.


Traise Yamamoto
Associate Professor
McSweeny-McCauley Chair in Teaching Excellence
Co-Chair, LGBIT Program
Department of English
University of California
Riverside, CA 925021-0323
951.827.3967 (fax)

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