UWP Lecturers FW: [Chass-staff] Emory Elliott Memorial

Susan Brown susan.brown at ucr.edu
Wed May 13 13:52:29 PDT 2009


University of California, Riverside presents

a tribute to the life and legacy of Emory Elliott

Monday, June 1
University Theater, UC Riverside
(900 University Avenue, Riverside CA 92521)

Please join colleagues, friends, family, and students as we honor Emory

Emory Elliott was one of the world's most distinguished scholars of American
Studies. He published two groundbreaking books on early American literature,
but his scholarship and teaching encompassed American literature from the
Puritans to Postmodernism. Emory dedicated himself to the most generous
understanding of what the field of American Studies might be, and what an
academic department can do - since the start of his career he was a
passionate advocate and mentor for his subject, his students and colleagues.
Emory joined the U.C. Riverside English department as Professor of English
in 1989 and was appointed University Professor in 2001. As an advocate for a
rigorously inclusive University, he championed diversity in faculty hiring
and new areas of inquiry. You would often see Emory on campus or at his
favorite spot, Jammin' Bread, sharing coffee or lunch with a junior faculty
member and listening with complete attention to a description of the book in
progress and offering advice about publication. He gave invaluable moral and
material support to so many of us.

Scholars across the country and across the world came to know UCR through
Emory's inspired and dedicated work as director of UCR's Center for Ideas
and Society. As Director, Emory brought major initiatives funded by grants
from the Ford and Rockefeller foundations to the campus, and sponsored
landmark conferences, such as "Aesthetics and Difference," which placed
Riverside at the center of national discussions of a progressive future for
the Humanities. As President of the American Studies Association, Emory took
great pride in furthering opportunities for international exchange and
collaboration, believing that scholarship and education were crucial to a
more peaceful and just world.

Speakers will include UCR Chancellor Timothy White, Brown University
President Ruth Simmons, David Theo Goldberg, Director UCHRI, Lisa Lowe,
Professor of Literature, UC San Diego, and students and faculty from UCR....

The program will be followed by an informal reception.
For more information please contact susan.beals at ucr.edu
UC Riverside memorial website for <http://ideasandsociety.ucr.edu/emory/>
Emory Elliott

Stephen Cullenberg
Professor of Economics
College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
University of California, Riverside 92521
Phone:  (951) 827-2762
Fax:      (951) 827-4537

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