UWP Lecturers salaries

cynthiatuell at roadrunner.com cynthiatuell at roadrunner.com
Sun Jun 14 17:53:31 PDT 2009

Dear colleagues,

Here's a link to an article in the Orange County Register last November. Through this article you can access the UC database and find out what anyone employed in the UC system earned in 2007. I got the link out of the Q and A article forwarded to us by Sandy Baringer.

It's really fascinating. You can sort by campus and see who made the most money at RiverHside, and who made the least, in 2007. You can also check out the salaries of other Lecturers (if you know their names or are willing to scroll through 1000s of records) at other UCs.

Here's the link:


Let's hope we all have a great summer in this time of trial.

Cynthia Tuell

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