UWP Lecturers better links

kimberly devlin devlinucr at earthlink.net
Sun Jul 12 20:42:25 PDT 2009

dear all,
thank you all for input and links (the full letter--from scull et al--is one i still can't open, but i trust bill will be able to do so tomorrow). anyway, you may be right, rob and deborah, about either waiting a few days or not promoting media attention that will be misinterpreted.  and of course, not everyone understands irony.  all i think i'm wishing for is that the public has access to the fact that an elitist core still thinks some (or at least one) campus(es) of uc still considers itself "an ivory tower."  i don't think it's coincedental that one of the three campuses proposed to be "chopped" is the most ethnically diverse (uc riverside) and the other has the lowest average family income level (uc merced).  when academics go public/internet with these attitudes, the general public should know.  at least, someone please forward the scull letter and carole's response to it to the chronicle of higher education--i think that's an audience that will understand the problem.
unappeased by apologies,

-----Original Message-----
>From: Deborah Willis <dwill at ucr.edu>
>Sent: Jul 12, 2009 5:23 PM
>To: Carole Fabricant <cf7516 at gmail.com>
>Cc: kimberly devlin <devlinucr at earthlink.net>, adriana.craciun at ucr.edu, Andrea.Denny-Brown at ucr.edu, carole.fabricant at ucr.edu, Caroleanne.tyler at ucr.edu, Deborah.Willis at ucr.edu, erica.edwards at ucr.edu, George.Haggerty at ucr.edu, heidi.braymanhackel at ucr.edu, jamestobias at mindspring.com, James.Tobias at ucr.edu, jennifer.doyle at ucr.edu, John.Briggs at ucr.edu, John.Ganim at ucr.edu, joseph.childers at ucr.edu, katherine.kinney at ucr.edu, keith.harris at ucr.edu, michelle.raheja at ucr.edu, rise.axelrod at ucr.edu, rob.latham at ucr.edu, Stanley.Stewart at ucr.edu, Steven.Axelrod at ucr.edu, susan.zieger at ucr.edu, Tiffany.Lopez at ucr.edu, Traise.Yamamoto at ucr.edu, Vorris.Nunley at ucr.edu, englecturers at lists.ucr.edu
>Subject: better links
>Sorry, I've been having trouble creating links of more than one line.  Here is another attempt:
>For Yang/Yudof:
>For US News/World Report rankings
>To see the rankings, go to: 
>I think the Fresno Bee link was okay.

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