UWP Lecturers Tonight: Bye-Bye Bush Blunders Bash

Matthew Snyder mattysny at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 20 13:12:08 PST 2009

Hello All,

Just a friendly reminder to let you know that there will indeed be a bye-bye Bush blunders bash at the Getaway just a wee bit after 6PM.  I imagine someone will come there dressed up as him for the kiddies.


Matthew Snyder

English Department & University Writing Program
University of California-Riverside

From: mattysny at hotmail.com
To: englecturers at lists.ucr.edu; gsa-english at lists.ucr.edu; katherine.kinney at ucr.edu
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 02:49:10 -0800
Subject: [Gsa-english] Toasting to Bush's Last Day

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."                                                                                         —George Bush, Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004

@ The Getaway Cafe (Near UCR)TIME 
Start Time:Tuesday, January 20, 2009 at 6:00pmEnd Time:Wednesday, January 21, 2009 at 1:00am

Hello Everyone,
I would like to extend a warm hand in friendship to anyone wishing to send King George Delusional II off with a toast of guinness this coming Tuesday.  All Bush Haters welcome.  And the remaining 22 percenters are welcome to show up as well so long as they materialize before us as pie-throwing targets.  We all know the score: illegal invasions, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civilians dead, war crimes, water-boarding, spitting on the constitution (at least the good parts), signing statements, the highest income gap between rich and poor since 1929 (according to the liberal radicals the IRS), deregulating the economy so it functions like a drunk uncle at a slot machine; abetting Madoff Ponzi schemes on the backs of US homeowners, the worst financial disaster since the Great Depression, politicizing the Attorney General's office, Hurricane Katrina and the Arabian Horse Federation stooge, Mike "Brownie" Brown, running FEMA with his blackberry from the 16th century.  So much for the new ownership society.  Too bad we didn't put social security up on the stock market to watch Las Vegas MBAs do their dirty dancing on the Baby Dumb generation.
There hasn't been much to celebrate over the last eight years, especially so considering the downsizing of the UC system under the Governator.  And since most of the UWP lecturers don't have a lounge to meet in (as of yet), and most of us really don't know each other, I thought bringing the Getaway back into the public space might be a good idea.  There is going to be a wily group of current English grads there as well as others from the 'soft' sciences at the Getaway Cafe.  I welcome you and your friends and family into the dingy hug of UCR's favorite bar and hop spot.  The owner is of Persian/Iranian descent, so there is no Georgie love to be found from him.
The invite and attendee listing is up on FaceCrack thanks to the brilliant cyborg new media genius Tanner Higgin.  Please announce your interest, so we have a rough head count:
Toasting Bush's Last Day  

As a last minute party favor, I've included a link to the top 25 Bushisms by Georgie since 2000, which was ranked and collated by Jacob Weisberg of Slate Magazine:

Matthew Snyder
LecturerEnglish Department & University Writing ProgramUniversity of California-Riverside

Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 16:44:07 -0800
From: thigg001 at ucr.edu
To: gsa-english at lists.ucr.edu
Subject: [Gsa-english] Toasting to Bush's Last Day

I don't know about you but I am eager to celebrate W.'s last day in office (Tuesday, January 20). That's this upcoming Tuesday people.
Seriously, this is a big deal.

I will, without a doubt, be doing some drinking so why not invite everyone else to come along? 
So would anyone be interested in sharing a few pitchers at the Getaway this Tuesday at 6:00pm?

Let me know gang. 
-Tanner(951) 880-5063
P.S. Will all of you act like it's 2006 and get on Facebook already so this kind of stuff can be orchestrated easier? 
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