UWP Lecturers context for the 1B problem

sbaringer at gmail.com sbaringer at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 11:09:53 PST 2009

Since apparently the situation with 1B registration was not already known to some people, here is some context:

In fall quarter 2008, the UCR University Writing Program employed 62 lecturers plus assorted TAs (the headcount on TAs is not immediately available to me).  In fall quarter 2009, the UWP employed 51 lecturers, including 7 annual appointees whose annual appointments were "rescinded" Sept. 1.  None of the quarterly lecturers will be rehired winter 2010.   So in winter quarter 2010, the UWP lecturer workforce will be 31 lecturers with continuing appointments, plus the TAs.

8 of those 31 lecturers have received layoff notices effective Janaury 2011.  The university's official position is that the writing program will continue to function as of winter quarter 20100 with only 23 lecturers, plus the TAs.

So, these 1A students may be able to get into 1B spring quarter, but virtually all of the people who don't pass 4 will have to wait until spring quarter to take another writing class, too.  Meanwhile, some freshmen are leaving because they can't even get into classes to maintain full-time status and thus maintain their financial aid. 

The writing program situation is due to a 10% budget reduction being imposed on the instructional workforce in the writing program, with an additional 10% reduction next year, and an additional 10% reduction the following year. 

How does a 10% budget reduction translate to reducing 62 lecturers in fall 2008 to 31 lecturers in winter 2010?  The six-figure income guys should be answering that one; I'm not smart enough.

- Sandy Baringer
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