[Englecturers] Fwd: RE: cards for Martha Plender's family

Tina Feldmann tina.feldmann at ucr.edu
Wed May 28 07:46:05 PDT 2008

Here's the address for Bud Plender (and her son, Charlie Plender) if 
you want to send a card.

I'm also happy to take your card to the service this Friday.   Please 
give it to me before 11 am on Friday.


>Reply-To: <john.briggs at ucr.edu>
>From: "John Briggs" <john.briggs at ucr.edu>
>To: "'Tina Feldmann'" <tina.feldmann at ucr.edu>
>Subject: RE: cards for Martha Plender's family
>Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 16:33:06 -0700
>Organization: UCR
>X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook 11
>Thread-Index: AcjAUWgDq+rXZBv+Ss22srYyUdHwDwAAHwng
>X-Junkmail-Whitelist: YES (by domain whitelist at sententia.ucr.edu)
>      Here is the Plender home address:
>1012 St. George's Circle
>Palm Springs, CA  92264
>From: Tina Feldmann [mailto:tina.feldmann at ucr.edu]
>Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 4:26 PM
>To: rise.axelrod at ucr.edu; steven.axelrod at ucr.edu; 
>lindon.barrett at ucr.edu; heidi.braymanhackel at ucr.edu; 
>john.briggs at ucr.edu; joseph.childers at ucr.edu; 
>andrea.denny-brown at ucr.edu; kimberly.devlin at ucr.edu; 
>jennifer.doyle at ucr.edu; erica.edwards at ucr.edu; 
>emory.elliott at ucr.edu; cfabs at mindspring.com; john.ganim at ucr.edu; 
>george.haggerty at ucr.edu; keith.harris at ucr.edu; 
>katherine.kinney at ucr.edu; tiffany.lopez at ucr.edu; tobym at ucr.edu; 
>vorris.nunley at ucr.edu; michelle.raheja at ucr.edu; 
>setsu.shigematsu at ucr.edu; stanley.stewart at ucr.edu; 
>james.tobias at ucr.edu; caroleanne.tyler at ucr.edu; 
>deborah.willis at ucr.edu; traise.yamamoto at ucr.edu; 
>susan.zieger at ucr.edu; englecturers at lists.ucr.edu
>Subject: cards for Martha Plender's family
>If you'd like to send a card to Martha Plender's family, please note:
>We don't have an address for Bud (her husband) & Charlie (her son) 
>Plender, but I'll be attending the funeral on Friday in Oceanside, 
>so if you want me to take your card with me, I'd be happy to put 
>your card with others and place with the flowers at the church so 
>her family gets them on Friday.
>I'm leaving the office Friday at 11 am, so please give me your card 
>before then.
>The dept. is also collecting money to send flowers (purple, I 
>suspect, because that was Martha's favorite color).
>Tina Feldmann
>Graduate Student Advisor
>Department of English
>University of California, Riverside
>Riverside, CA  92521-0323
>office: (951) 827-1454
>FAX:   (951) 827-3967

Tina Feldmann
Graduate Student Advisor
Department of English
University of California, Riverside
Riverside, CA  92521-0323
office: (951) 827-1454
FAX:   (951) 827-3967
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