[Englecturers] REMINDR: iEVAL Signups

Teri Carter teri.carter at ucr.edu
Fri May 2 11:03:46 PDT 2008

Dear Lecturers,

I have heard from a few instructors who have 
opted into iEVAL for Spring 2008 quarter.  If you 
would like to sign up for iEVAL, please follow 
the instructions and go to the site located 
below.  Please let me know if you have decided to "opt in".

Thank You.

Teri Carter

At 10:59 AM 5/2/2008, Gladis Herrera-Berkowitz wrote:
>Dear All:
>This is a reminder that faculty wishing to use 
>iEVAL for their Spring 2008 courses can sign up now through Friday, May 16.
>  iEVAL will be made available to students from 
> Monday May 28 – Midnight on Sunday, June 8.
>Benefits to using iEVAL are:
>1)  Students can respond at any time thus freeing class time for instruction
>2)  Faculty do not have to worry about getting 
>evaluation forms from the department, finding a 
>volunteer to administer the evaluations, and 
>hoping that all the evaluations make it to the 
>Office of Instructional Development for processing
>3)  Faculty will receive feedback on the 
>response rate and can also access this 
>information at any time at <http://www.ieval.ucr.edu/>www.ieval.ucr.edu
>4)  OID will send e-mail reminders to students 
>enrolled in the course and will also advertise iEVAL throughout the campus
>5)  Final Course Evaluation Reports for Spring 
>2008 will be available to faculty on iEVAL on 
>the first day of instruction of the following 
>quarter (June 23, 2008), paper evaluations will 
>not be available until the END OF AUGUST/Early SEPTEMBER 2008
>6)  Students provide more in depth comments and 
>behave more maturely than in the paper format 
>(online comments require minimal to no editing 
>for profanity and inappropriate 
>comments).  Based on a recent survey students 
>indicate that they like iEVAL because it allows 
>them time to reflect on the instruction, gives 
>them a better sense of privacy and confidentiality to provide better feedback.
>7)  In reviewing past course evaluations for 
>faculty participants the ratings remained 
>consistent with their historical results.  The 
>response rates are lower than the paper 
>evaluation but we are working on improving this 
>by developing creative ways of encouraging and 
>advertising iEVAL to the students
>8)  iEVAL is environmentally friendly.  Each 
>quarter we process over 30,000 paper evaluations 
>and print over 1,500 final reports that are 
>distributed to faculty and department 
>chairs.  iEVAL can be processed and viewed 
>online.  The system also archives evaluations 
>dating back to Winter 2005, providing quick and 
>easy access to these important records.
>Faculty who participated in iEVAL as of Fall 
>2007 will automatically default to this 
>option.  If faculty wish to continue using this 
>system they do not need to do anything.  If they 
>would like to opt out of iEVAL then please ask 
>them to go to <http://www.ieval.ucr.edu/>www.ieval.ucr.edu
>Faculty who have not used iEVAL can sign up 
>through their department representative who will 
>provide OID with the attached spreadsheet.  We 
>ask that departments please compile the list of 
>signups on this spreadsheet and submit the final 
>list by Friday, May 16.  Approximately a week 
>later we will provide the departments with a 
>final list of all courses that will be evaluated 
>online.  Faculty will also receive a detailed 
>e-mail advising them on how the process works 
>and the timeline that the evaluation will be 
>made available to their students.  It is 
>essential that we have the following information:
>1)      faculty's name
>2)      Employee ID number
>3)   net ID (this can be found at 
>4)  ALL the courses they wish to have evaluated.
>Please contact me if you have any questions.
>Gladis Herrera-Berkowitz, M.A.
>Director of Instructional Development
>Office of Undergraduate Education
>321 Surge
>University of California
>Riverside, CA   92521
>Office - 951-827-4751
>Fax - 951-827-7745
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