[Englecturers] Course Reader Questions

Benedict Jones bkjones at san.rr.com
Sun Mar 16 11:00:04 PDT 2008

Ben, I'm using many of the same readings that I have used in the past. I 
don't know whether the Rivera Reserve Desk keeps track of such things, 
but their site does specify that you can't put the same materials on 
reserve over and over unless you try to get copyright permission. And 
last time I taught 1C (last year), I was specifically told that I 
couldn't put the same stuff on reserve over and over without getting 
permission. I told them the truth--that I didn't realize that (yes, I'm 
an ignoramus! pity me!), and they let me go ahead. Perhaps they sought 
copyright permission on some of the items. But how easy is it to get 
permission like this? I don't know--the whole system seems rather arcane 
to me.

Some of the works that I want to assign are absolutely available online 
in various places. Some of them aren't. I suppose I could provide links 
to electronic texts whenever possible, and then do e-Reserves for 
whatever is left over, assuming that copyright won't be a problem.

I guess I have two major problems with doing things that way. First, a 
lot of students tend not to print out the sources, so they don't bring 
them to class. I know that students are trying to economize, but it's 
maddening to try to run a discussion about something when the students 
don't have the text right in front of them. I was hoping that less 
economizing would occur if I used a course reader. Perhaps I am incorrect.

Second, it really is nice to have all of the readings in one place 
instead of in bits and pieces.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback. I still have no idea what I am going to 
do, though...


benjha at ucr.edu wrote:
> Hi All,
> I don't know much about current materials, but I'm pretty sure
> that if you want to include old work that has been reprinted,
> you may, but only if you use the pre-copyrighted texts.  I
> would look first on gutenberg.org, a marvelous site that has
> many texts for free distribution.
> Also, the library has an electronic reserve system that might
> come in handy.
> Ben Harder

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