[Englecturers] Oops. Forgot the student paper submission form

Rise Axelrod rise.axelrod at gmail.com
Wed Jun 11 10:09:35 PDT 2008


Sorry. I forgot to attach the student paper submission form. Please
include one with each student paper you send me.

Below is the original email I sent requesting student and professional essays:

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

As some of you may know, Charles Cooper has retired and I am looking
for help as I plan the next edition of the St. Martin's Guide to
Writing. I need help finding new professional and student readings as
well as advice on how to improve the book -- and I can pay you for
your assistance.

This is the first of two emails I will be sending asking for your
help. This email tells how you can help me find new readings for the
9th edition of the Guide.

I'm looking for new readings by professionals and students for every
chapter in Part One except Chapter 5, Explaining Opposing Positions. I
will revise Chapter 5, but haven't yet decided on its focus.

Note, too, that for Chapter 10, Interpreting Stories, I am thinking of
replacing "Araby" and the two student essays by Ratinov and Crane that
analyze Joyce's story. The student essays you send me should be about
one of the short stories currently in Chapter 10 or about a different
brief and accessible short story that you would recommend. Please send
me a copy of the story along with the student essays.

For Readings by Professionals

Bedford/St. Martin's will pay you $100 to provide me with copies of 5
or more professionally published readings you'd recommend for SMG, 9th
edition, which meet the following criteria:
They reflect the basic features of the genre.
They are current, written within the last few years.
They reflect diversity.
They are relatively brief and accessible to your students.
They are likely to stimulate class discussion.
Please submit two copies of each reading: one copy should be unmarked,
and the second copy should include the following information:
title, author, publication information, including the url if published online
any information about the author included with the reading
indication of the Part One chapter in which the reading belongs
your annotation of the readings, highlighting their basic features
I need these reading recommendations by mid-June, or the end of June
at the latest. After receiving your recommendations, I will carefully
evaluate them for possible inclusion in the 9th edition, and
Bedford/St. Martin's will pay you an additional $50 for each reading
that we actually publish in the 9th edition.

For Student Essays

As always, I am also looking for student essays to include in the
upcoming edition of the St. Martin's Guide or in the next edition of
Sticks and Stones.  If we publish a student essay you recommend to us,
we will pay both you and the student $100 each.  If you have access to
any of the student's writing process material, please send that to me
along with the finished essay for possible use as writer-at-work
illustrations. The permission form for student essays is attached.

The student essays can come from any of your classes taught at UCR or
at another campus.

Getting the Essays to Me

You can leave the essays in my UCR mailbox or email them to me as a
word attachment or as a pdf.

If you have any questions or comments, do not hesitate to email me at
rise.axelrod at ucr.edu.

I want to thank those of you who have helped me with student essays
and advice in the past. I look forward to working even more closely
with you in future.


Rise B. Axelrod
McSweeney Professor of Rhetoric and  Teaching Excellence
Director of Composition
Department of English
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
rise.axelrod at ucr.edu
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