[Englecturers] For Sci-Fi Geeks

Matthew Snyder mattysny at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 7 12:04:27 PST 2008

Hello Homo Sapiens:

I am writing this to let you know that a friend of mine is on the lookout for Sci-Fi media reviews for the Science Fiction Research Association (SFRA), so if any of you are looking for a line on your CV, or just want to get involved because you have sexual fantasies about Ewoks or Spock, please feel free to contact him at rcalvink at ic.sunysb.edu or check out the SFRA website for more detailed information: www.sfra.org.

I should also mention that there is a big Sci-Fi conference at UCR sponsored by the venerable Eaton Collection, which will have Ray Bradbury as the keynote speaker.  The website for this conference is: http://eatonconference.ucr.edu/ .


Matthew Snyder, A.B.D. (All But Destroyed)
Department of English
University of California-Riverside

Hey Matt: I hope and trust all is well with you. It was definitely good
to see you 
(all) again.

I have a sort of request. The Science Fiction Research Association has
going through some changes, and the SFRA Review has a new editorial
One of the changes is that they've added a Media Reviews section, and 
wouldn't you know, I've been named the editor of that section. So, I'm
in the 
process of trying to get people to write media reviews for the first
issue. The 
changes are recent, so I don't have a lot of lead time for this
particular issue.

I was hoping that you would either be able to write a review and/or
word along to people you know who might also be interested. The
.pdf of the Media Review guidelines are on the SFRA website: 
http://www.sfra.org Then click on the SFRA Review button in the left

After your paper on Children of Men, I thought that of review of that
would be a great addition to the inaugural edition of the media

Thanks so much!

Best, Ritch Calvin
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