[Englecturers] Marxist Reading Group

Joshua Fenton fenton_jp at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 26 12:40:50 PST 2008

Marxist Reading Group Members:
This is just a reminder that we will hold the first Marxist Reading Group on Thursday, March 6th at 9PM at the Getaway.  I think the agenda for the first meeting should be light: setting up of a reading list and schedule of times and places.  We can also talk about alternative meeting times and places that will better accommodate our fluctuating and diverse spring schedules, as well as the possibility for more people to join when there is a text being read that interests them.  
One of the problems of reading groups is that sometimes they become too ambitious in their goals and when real world demands set in the groups begin to dwindle before disappearing; therefore, I also propose a definite ending date for our group that can be reconstituted in the future as members are motivated.  Personally, I’d like to spend a protracted amount of time over the summer reading Marx’s Capital since to attempt to cover the behemoth of a text in one reading would be insane.
I will recommend some of the writing from early Marx and my suggestion for meeting times will be biweekly to ensure that the readings can be digested within the scope of our competing interesting in seminar preparation, grading, and personal affairs.  I also think ending in week eight of the quarter will be helpful so that we can turn our attention to due dates for our students and our own deadlines for the end of the quarter.
Joshua Fenton
Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser!
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