[Englecturers] University Book Exchange

Jennifer Doyle jennifer.doyle at ucr.edu
Fri Feb 8 02:54:24 PST 2008

Dear Colleagues,

Seconding Stephanie's recommendation (and
marveling at Carole's mix of grit, realism, and
panache - which has roused me from my sabbatical
to read ucr mail): I can't recommend the
University Book Exchange enough (aka: "U.B.E.") -
I use them whenever I can. They are very helpful,
eager to please faculty and students.

Students should be warned that lines can be long
at the start of the term (they are smaller than
the textbook store, so less checkout counters) -
but they will find fair prices for the books they

You can e-mail book orders to them at:
uberiv at aol.com, and you can find a map and couple
reviews of the store at: 


They have been very communicative - they've called
me when they've spotted a cheaper edition, or when
I've made an error in my order, and I know I can
always call or e-mail them to check on the status
of my order (and get a personalized, friendly
response).  Some on the above mentioned website
complain about irregular hours, but I've never
found this to be a problem. (I post the address,
hours, and phone number for the store on
blackboard, and on the syllabus.)

They seem to really like what they do, and respect
what we do. 


Jennifer Doyle

---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu,  7 Feb 2008 11:08:13 -0800 (PST)
>From: Stephanie Hammer <hamm at ucr.edu>  
>Subject: Re: Coffee Update (and related matters)  
>To: Carole Fabricant <carole.fabricant at ucr.edu>,
rise.axelrod at ucr.edu, Steven.Axelrod at ucr.edu,
John.Briggs at ucr.edu, joseph.childers at ucr.edu,
Andrea.Denny-Brown at ucr.edu,
kimberley.devlin at ucr.edu, devlinucr at earthlink.net,
Emory.Elliott at ucr.edu, jennifer.doyle at ucr.edu,
cfabs at mindspring.com, John.Ganim at ucr.edu,
George.Haggerty at ucr.edu, GEHaggerty at aol.com,
keith.harris at ucr.edu, KATHERINE.KINNEY at UCR.EDU,
Tiffany.Lopez at ucr.edu, Vorris.Nunley at ucr.edu,
Toby.Miller at ucr.edu, michelle.raheja at ucr.edu,
Stanley.Stewart at ucr.edu, James.Tobias at ucr.edu,
jamestobias at mindspring.com,
Caroleanne.tyler at ucr.edu, Deborah.Willis at ucr.edu,
Traise.Yamamoto at ucr.edu, susan.zieger at ucr.edu,
susanz at ucr.edu, lindon.barrett at ucr.edu,
heidi.braymanhackel at ucr.edu,
erica.edwards at ucr.edu, setsu.shigematsu at ucr.edu
>Cc: englecturers at lists.ucr.edu,
susan.brown at ucr.edu, tina.feldmann at ucr.edu,
linda.nellany at ucr.edu, kathleen.carter at ucr.edu,
cynde.sanchez at ucr.edu, stephen.cullenberg at ucr.edu,
georgia.warnke at ucr.edu, thomas.cogswell at ucr.edu,
john.fischer at ucr.edu, scott.coltrane at ucr.edu,
vmill002 at student.ucr.edu, edna.bonacich at ucr.edu,
michael.kearney at ucr.edu, dale.kent at ucr.edu,
ray.kea at ucr.edu, stephanie.hammer at ucr.edu,
elizabeth.lord at ucr.edu, carl.cranor at ucr.edu,
david.glidden at ucr.edu, christine.gailey at ucr.edu,
theda.shapiro at ucr.edu, linda.tomko at ucr.edu,
michelle.bloom at ucr.edu, francoise.forster at ucr.edu,
devra.weber at ucr.edu, randolph.head at ucr.edu,
june.oconnor at ucr.edu, judy.kronenfeld at ucr.edu,
marina.pianca at ucr.edu, marguerite.waller at ucr.edu,
alicia.arrizon at ucr.edu, pya.chatterjee at ucr.edu
>Dear Carole and pals (!);
>I read with delight of Carole's pioneering
efforts in the
>matters of the coffee "store" and pub.  I support
these worthy
>goals and wish you all the best.  I think that
many of us are
>pursuing similar efforts in different arenas.  My
>project is encouraging faculty to boycott the
bookstore after
>several years of memos and meetings failed to
produced any
>substantive changes.  I would encourage anyone
who is unhappy
>with the bookstores' prices and services to use
the Riverside
>Book Exchange, located on Big Springs Road.  It's
not a pretty
>store, but they buy the books and have them and
are very
>pleasant, at least in my experience.
>Thanks and here's to caffeine and alcohol on campus!
>Stephanie Hammer
>Comp Lit

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