[Englecturers] Denise Ferreira da Silva

Susan Brown susan.brown at ucr.edu
Wed Apr 30 12:44:26 PDT 2008





Please join the Department of English for a talk by



Denise Ferreira da Silva

Associate Professor in Ethnic Studies

University of California, San Diego


Thursday, May 1


English Department Conference Room

HMNSS 2212



"The Edges of the World: Universality and Raciality in the Writing of the
Radical Political Subject"


In this paper, I discuss contemporary left theorizing's return to the theme
of the universal in the framing of a radical political subject - such as
Zizek's and Badiou's embracing of St Paul - in light of the current
political transformation in Latin American states, such as Venezuela and
Bolivia, in which racial subaltern subjects -- the mestizo and the Indian --
are articulated in the framing of a revolutionary subject. By reading these
trends as responses to economic and multiculturalist legal reforms deployed
in the past 20 years or so, I will argue that this apparent contradiction is
an indication of how the present global juridico-economic structuring
challenges us to imagine emancipatory projects that take seriously the
centrality of racial/cultural difference in the mapping of the
post-Enlightenment political terrain.



Susan Brown

Management Services Officer

Department of English

University of California, Riverside



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