[Englecturers] Suggestions for English 5 Single Author Texts for 2008-09

Devon Hackelton devonh at ucr.edu
Mon Apr 28 07:30:30 PDT 2008

Greetings all:

I know fall quarter is a ways off, but now is the time to
think about texts.

This coming fall, we are trying something a bit different for
English 5: every section will be using Conrad Rudolf’s
"Pilgrimage to the End of the World" which chronicles the
author’s 1000 mile trek to Santiago de Compostela (purported
burial site of James the apostle). A link to the Amazon book
review is included below. To this end, we are soliciting
companion texts that focus on pilgrimages, journeys, sojourns
and their ilk. As is customary, we would like an array of
choices: everything from Geoffrey Chaucer to Chuck Palahniuk,
from "Cymbeline" to "Siddhartha."

So jot down the title of your favorite travelogue, road book,
odyssey or quest-related tome. 

You can send me an email with your suggestions, or you can
scribble them down on the small poster (flyer, really) located
 near our mailboxes.

Also, If one or two of you would like to help me wade through
the suggestions, please let me know: I would appreciate the help.

Devon Hackelton
devonh at ucr.edu

Pilgrimage to the End of the World
Conrad Rudolf
Amazon website: 

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