[Englecturers] Fw: survey on accuracy of projected raises

sbaringer at hughes.net sbaringer at hughes.net
Wed Apr 2 08:15:35 PDT 2008

I recently sent out a link on the union "aft-announce" list to a survey the 
union is trying to get all lecturers to fill out on how many quarters you've 
worked.  This is in order to make sure everybody who is due one of the 
one-time raises on July 1 gets their raises - and that everybody gets to 
their excellence review on time in the future.

If you are a lecturer and did not already get this VERY IMPORTANT link to 
the survey, here it is.  But please send me your current email address, 
because if you did not get the message, that means you've changed your email 
sometime in the past 4 years and didn't tell the union.  We wouldn't want 
you to miss out on any free lunches or anything.


Sandy Baringer
UC-AFT Local 1966 field representative

>> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=E3_2bRHBBqWkMk0twkESDpXQ_3d_3d
if the link doesn't work, try copying and pasting it into your browser

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