[Englecturers] FW: [Staff] UC Open Enrollment for 2008

Susan Brown susan.brown at ucr.edu
Thu Oct 18 16:12:10 PDT 2007




TO:  All Employees


From:  Benefits Office


RE:  2008 Open Enrollment


Please Post/Circulate

Announcing UC Open Enrollment for 2008

November 1-27, 2007



Open Enrollment for UC health and welfare benefits plans runs from November
1 to November 27, but you can begin today to think about and plan actions
you may want to take by visiting the At Your Service website
(http://atyourservice.ucop.edu <http://atyourservice.ucop.edu/> ) and
selecting the "Open Enrollment 2008" icon. Also, watch for the general Open
Enrollment information booklet that you'll soon receive in the mail at your
home address. 


There will be a number of significant changes and improvements in UC's
health benefits program as a result of the University's work this year to
ensure that faculty and staff continue to have access to quality health
benefits at competitive prices in 2008.


At the Open Enrollment website, you'll be able to review your current plan
enrollments; read about plan benefits, services, and changes for 2008; see
what the medical plan rates for 2008 will be; and use some helpful planning


Please note that you will not be able to begin the Open Enrollment process
and make changes on the website until 8:00 a.m. on November 1 and no later
than midnight November 27 (Pacific Time). 


UC Health and Welfare Benefits Plans in 2007

This is an important Open Enrollment for UC faculty and staff because the
University has restructured medical plan options for 2008 to help preserve
meaningful choices and quality benefits while limiting cost increases. In
fact, there will be decreases in employee premiums in some medical plans,
and only slight premium increases in other plans - a noteworthy
accomplishment in this era of spiraling health care cost increases when many
employers are cutting benefits.

For next year, UC will consolidate the HMO offerings, add a new medical
plan, introduce a new wellness program, and provide enhanced, standardized
behavioral health benefits for most plans. 

As in the past, UC employee premiums are based on salary bands to help
pro-tect employees in the lower pay ranges and those with children from the
impact of premium increases. UC remains committed to offering plan choices
and high-quality health care- an important part of your total compensation. 


Key Changes for 2008


*         A new no-cost, voluntary, confidential wellness program -
featuring a personal health assessment and gift certificate for completing
the assessment - will be available to employees and their covered family
members in all medical plans except Kaiser. Kaiser has its own integrated
wellness program.


*         Standardized and improved behavioral health benefits will be
provided by United Behavioral Health (UBH) and will be available for all
employee medical plans.


*         CIGNA Choice Fund, a new medical plan that combines a health
reimbursement account plus preferred provider organization plan (HRA/PPO)
that corresponds to the current Definity Health plan at UCSB and UCSF, will
be available at all locations.


*         The High Option (non-Medicare), PacifiCare, and Select EPO plans
will be discontinued next year. Health Net and Kaiser will be UC's
systemwide HMO plans. Employees enrolled in the plans that will not be
offered next year need to consider the plan options that will be available
to them and take appropriate enrollment action in November.


Actions You Can Take During Open Enrollment


*         Change to a different medical plan.


This document is available on the At Your Service website
(http://atyourservice.ucop.edu <http://atyourservice.ucop.edu/> ) under
"Current News."


For questions please call the Benefits Office at X24766.

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