[Englecturers] CFP: ANZAMEMS, Hobart, Australia, 2-6 Dec 2008

John Ganim john.ganim at ucr.edu
Tue Nov 27 09:17:22 PST 2007

>Apologies for cross-posting.
>ANZAMEMS conference announcement: 2-6 December 2008. Australian and 
>New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies 
>(Inc.), 7th Biennial International Conference, University of 
>Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
>Open theme. Twenty-minute papers on all aspects of medieval, 
>Renaissance, and Early Modern Studies (all broadly defined) are most 
>welcome. Panel proposals are also welcome.
>Conference is held in the beautiful city of Hobart, capital of 
>Tasmania (Australia's island state).
>Papers on literature, history, religious studies, art history, 
>music, philosophy, medievalism, etc, are all welcome.
>Academics, independent scholars, graduate students, early career 
>researchers all warmly invited.
>Deadline for abstracts from Australian and New Zealand participants 
>is 1 Sept 2008. Participants from countries other than Australia and 
>New Zealand can receive confirmation of their papers and panels by 1 
>March 2008, or even earlier if needed.
>Conference convenors are Elizabeth Freeman 
><Elizabeth.Freeman at utas.edu.au> and Jenna Mead <Jenna.Mead at utas.edu.au>.
>Please send enquiries to either of the convenors, or to 
><anzamems2008 at utas.edu.au>.
>Dr Elizabeth Freeman
>School of History and Classics
>University of Tasmania
>Private Bag 81
>Hobart Tas 7001
>Tel: +61 3 6226 2294
>Fax: +61 3 6226 2392
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John M. Ganim
President, New Chaucer Society
Professor of English
Department of English
University of California, Riverside
900 University Avenue
Riverside CA 92521
TEL (951) 827-1540
FAX (951) 827-3967
EMAIL John.Ganim at UCR.EDU

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